Chapter 2 - Madelyn

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Ugh, I hate the bus. It's so smelly with all these sweaty kids. Ew! Not to mention I got that brat Hannah's friend, Tyra. Ew again!

Tyra has dark skin and almost black hair with dark brown eyes. Small brown freckles dot her face. She's pretty, and actually nice, except when she's around Hannah. That's when you see her other side. Other than that, she's OK.

I stare out the bus window. There's no snow on the ground, though it's supposed to snow tonight.

March. Ugh, I hate March. That month never makes up it's mind.
Snow again.
Rain and wind.
More snow!

Ellie and Andy are talking in the seat across from me.

I smile a little. Andy really likes Ellie.

Sometimes, I get mad at Elle. I mean, she doesn't notice that Andy likes her. At least a boy notices her. No boy has ever noticed me. I'm too short to be noticed. I don't stand out. I'm not that pretty or smart. I have an average of a C. I'm not stupid rich. I don't wear exposing clothes. The only thing I have is my art. And my mom, but she can't do anything to help me in school.

"Madelyn? What do you think?" Andy breaks me from my thoughts. I look over to them.

"About what?" I ask.

Ellie rolls her eyes. "About the new computers. You know, in the library."

"Oh. They're cool. Though I haven't been at the library much." That's true. I spend most of my time with Mr.Tesh. He let's me come to his room sometimes during lunch and most of my study halls. I never go up to the library unless I have too.

Andy and Ellie continue their conversation.

I stare back out the window.

* * * *

My mom rushes to greet me as I enter my house, which is a block down from Mia's.

Mom has almond skin like me, and light brown hair with bright green eyes. I only have my mom because my dad died from cancer when I was 10. And my parents never had any other children.

"Hi sweetheart." She says as she pulls me into a hug.

"Mom, What're you doing home already?" I ask.

My mom works two jobs. One at Wegmans, the other at Tim Hortons. She's usually very busy with her jobs and I only see her on Sundays. Sunday is usually our time to bond and we can do whatever we want, as long as it's us being together.

"I took the day off at Wegmans. I feel as though I never see you anymore." She says, pulling away and looking at me.

"Okay, then What're we gonna do today?" I ask, excited.

"Well, Ellie's mom, Grace, actually invited us over for dinner. I said yes, because it's only Friday. You can stay up late. But that's at 7, until then, I was thinking we could watch a movie."

"Sure. What do ya wanna watch?" I say.

"Well, you've been asking to watch The Avengers: Age Of Ultron. Let's watch that."

"Okay." I throw my bag next to the front door.

My house is a one level. In front of me now is the kitchen, beyond that is a hallway leading to three rooms. To the right of the kitchen is the living room.

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