Days later, as Tyler grew calmer from his episode, he decided to go for another walk. This time he only hoped it wouldn't end in a tantrum, but he really never knew until it was happening. As he slipped on his sneakers, he smiled and let out his quiet, gentle sigh.

When he stepped outside, he immediately grinned. The weather was his favorite-- cloudy with a slight breeze. He loved the way the wind pushed his dark hair back, he loved the feeling of the coolness against his pale skin. He loved looking up into the sky, not blinded by the sun, and finding shapes in the oddly formed clouds. He loved everything about being outside.

Walking towards the woods, Tyler began to hum again. It was something he found himself doing often, along with singing. It calmed him, made him feel in control of something in his hectic life. He looked down at his feet, observing the way his shoelaces swung with each step.

Again, he tackled the sharp and dangerous edge of the wooded area, walking between the dead trees skillfully with a smile on his face, still humming. Soon he saw the beautiful clearing, but also something that left him feeling uneasy.

Someone was sitting on the ground, leaned up against Tyler's favorite tree. They appeared to be soundly asleep, and had strangely bright pink hair. By then, Tyler had stopped walking, unsure whether to proceed forward or just turn back. Going with his first instinct, he began to walk again, still focused on the sleeping person.

He quietly approached and looked down at who he now knew was a boy, seemingly around his age. He was definitely asleep and Tyler knew he shouldn't wake him. He perched himself gracefully on an overturned log, still just staring at the boy, but soon his curiosity got the best of him.

Tyler reached out, awkwardly running his hand through the boy's curly, magenta hair. Obviously, he woke up, his eyes opening up wide and looking at Tyler in surprise. In response, Tyler's hand flew back, beginning to shake his head.

"Sorry, I just-- Your hair, I've never seen that color before...." Tyler mumbled, his voice cracking slightly during his apology. He looked down at the odd boy, looking onto his eyes for a split second. Eye contact was something he had always had a hard time with, but the eyes he looked into were unlike any he'd seen before. They were such a lovely hazel that they seemed to glow, at least in Tyler's opinion.

"That's alright... Uh, who are you?" The boy asked, his shy voice almost at a whisper. He fiddled with the sleeves of his grey hoodie and he looked at the ground, also attempting to avoid locking eyes with the stranger.

"I'm Tyler..." He replied softly, biting at the inside of his lip, his body still shaking. "And you are?"

"I'm Josh," The pink-haired boy responded with, lifting his hand up to his eye and rubbing it.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your nap, Josh. I kind of... just wanted to know you. Say hello." Tyler continued to look at him, a bit of admiration visible in his face. He even cracked a bit of a smile at seeing the boy rub his eye.

"That's okay, Tyler." Josh said, still nearly whispering. "I'd like to know you too."

Glowing EyesWhere stories live. Discover now