Josh sat cross-legged on Tyler's bed, bouncing up and down anxiously. "Are you sure you want me to stay?" He glanced over at the other, who was pulling on a clean shirt, and bit at his bottom lip. "I don't want to be an annoyance...." His voice was still barely audible, but Tyler was beginning to get used to it.

"Of course." Tyler replied, running a hand through his short hair. "Really, Josh, don't worry about it. Anyway, I'll let you have the bed, I'll crash on the couch."

Josh, obviously, was not having that. "No." He said rather childishly as he slid off of the bed. "That's backwards." He crossed his arms, looking at Tyler with wide eyes.

Tyler mimicked his motions. "No, sir. You just patched me up, this is how I'm repaying you. No arguing." With that, Josh let out a groan and climbed back up.

"Fine, but at least come tuck me in." He said with a smirk, his voice only having a hint of sarcasm. He giggled and looked over at Tyler expectantly. The other boy rolled his eyes and chuckled softly, yet padded over to Josh anyway.

Pulling the blankets up over Josh, Tyler grinned. "Goodnight, Josh. Maybe tomorrow you won't cop such an attitude with me." He gave a light, feminine giggle and ruffled the other's bright hair before turning away.

Josh quickly reached out from the blankets and grabbed Tyler's hand. "Hey, Ty?" He paused for a moment. "Try not to spill anything else on yourself." He then burst into a fit of laughter, his squeaky giggle lightening the whole room as he squeezed Tyler's hand.

Tyler simply rolled his eyes. "You're gonna miss me when I'm gone, Josh." He let his thumb quickly run over the other boy's knuckles before letting go of his hand. "Now sleep already, I don't wanna find you dozing off in my spot again." He chuckled again as he headed for the door.

"Wait, Ty?" Josh repeated, slightly out of breath from laughing. "Um, thank you, for this..." He said softly but genuinely. "I'd still be outside if you didn't let me in."

"Stop thanking me, Josh. Its okay. It gets lonely here anyway." Tyler reached out and gently pushed at Josh's shoulder, motioning for him to lay back down. "Besides, it's not every day I get a cute boy in my house." He pressed a gentle kiss to Josh's forehead before turning, seriously this time, for the door. "Now really, sleep. I have plans for us tomorrow."

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