Tyler couldn't think of anything besides Josh for the rest of the day. Images of the boy sleeping, his pastel hair falling into his face and his chest rising and falling rhythmically, seemed burned into his mind. Even once he was home, curled up on his couch with his favorite novel, he couldn't concentrate on the story line. Everything was Josh. He was even too busy to notice the fact that he had spilled his coffee in his lap.

He was ripped from a pleasant daydream by the feeling of the hot liquid seeping through his hoodie and scalding him. "Shit, shit!" He exclaimed, jumping up from the couch after setting the half-empty mug down. He practically tore his shirt off, running his hands over the red, warm spot on his abdomen and groaning exasperatedly.

It was then that he looked up from the burn, noticing a movement outside the window. He cautiously stepped closer to the glass, pushing the lace curtains aside and peering out to see Josh's bright eyes meet his own.

Both blushing, the two boys looked away for a moment before Tyler hesitantly pulled open the window. "Josh... You're here." He said awkwardly, his voice faltering as he averted his eyes. He shivered as the cold outside air hit his bare skin, making the burn feel even worse.

"Yeah, I a-am. I followed you home." Josh said, just barely above a whisper. It was obvious by the deep blush on his face that he was embarrassed. For God's sake, he'd just followed someone home. Who wouldn't be embarrassed of that? "Y-You, uh, you should let me help, I'm good at taking care of injuries." He mumbled cutely.

"Just physical, or psychological too?" Tyler asked dryly, not sure if he intended for it to be humorous. He didn't even have time to think it over, as Josh was climbing in through his window. "Woah, okay, come in, Josh."

"I'm good with both." Josh replied, catching his breath after he was inside. He let his eyes roam over Tyler, noticing the odd tattoos on his arms and chest. "I like those." He softly ran a finger over the rectangular one near his shoulder. "But really, let me take care of this."

Even if Josh's voice was soft, Tyler could tell he meant business, so he agreed. After hearing the consent, Josh dropped the red backpack from his shoulders to the floor, kneeling down and digging through it. "I always keep medical supplies on me, in case I get hurt." He explained, his voice sounding pleased as he pulled various items from the bag.

After carefully bandaging up Tyler's burn, Josh leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the skin-colored fabric and smiled. "It's all better now." He whispered, grinning at Tyler with satisfaction.

Ty's heart stopped as he looked at Josh admiringly. He was too sweet. Really, he was starting to freak him out a bit. "But, Josh, why are you even here? Not that you're not welcome--"

"My landlord kicked me out and I didn't have anywhere else to go." Josh muttered. "So I followed you. I was gonna knock on the door, but you looked so nice sitting there." He elaborated, a fond smile plastered on his face. He looked up at the slightly taller boy, making eye contact.

Tyler immediately felt guilt rush through him. Is that why Josh was sleeping outside? Because he had nowhere to go? "Oh my, you're staying here then." He said in a positive tone. "Friends don't let friends sleep outside on the ground."

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