Tyler woke up groggily to find himself alone in the bed. Josh must have woken up early again, he thought as he slid out of the messy bed and pulled on a pair of baggy, grey sweatpants. He stretched, letting out a groan as he did so, before padding softly down the scuffed wooden stairs. "Mornin', J." He called out as he reached the bottom.

Josh squealed and ran to him, sliding across the smooth floor on his socks and jumping into Tyler's arms. The other boy giggled happily as he wrapped his warm arms around him. "Morning, Ty." Josh replied belatedly, kissing at his partner's cheek. "I missed you. You slept in so late but I didn't want to wake you."

Tyler looked over at the clock mounted on the wall. It was already ten o'clock. "Damn, it is late. You could've come and got me, baby boy." He chuckled again and set Josh down.

Josh immediately jumped back into Tyler's arms, running his hands through the other boy's messy hair. "I didn't want to." He whispered and pressed a gentle kiss to Ty's nose. "By the way, you talked in your sleep last night." He giggled softly and hopped down, padding back over to where he was sitting on the floor before.

Tyler followed him, a curious look on his face as he sat down beside Josh. "I did? What did I say?" He knew as a child he talked in his sleep, and even occasionally through his teen years, but it hadn't happened in quite some time.

"Something about a blurry face." Josh replied, picking up his notebook and opening to a blank page, followed by him digging through the smaller pockets of his backpack for his pen. "It was strange."

Tyler's expression fell. He thought he was getting better. It wasn't that he was getting worse, but he wasn't recovering as well as he thought he had been. He sighed softly, drawing Josh's attention.

He looked at Tyler with a questioning expression in his golden eyes. "Is that a bad thing?" He crossed his legs, turned to face him, and set his notebook in his lap. His pen began to move across the paper furiously, yet he barely looked down at it. He focused his attention solely on Tyler.

"No, no, it's fine." Tyler gave a wide, reassuring smile before looking down at the notebook. Josh was drawing him, perfectly from observation. It seemed like his hand could feel the way to move just by Josh looking at him. In awe, he looked up, making eye contact with Josh, who's hand didn't stop moving. It stopped only when he leaned in and kissed Tyler lovingly before pulling back and handing him the notebook.

"It's you." Josh stated flatly as a smile spread over his face. He was certainly proud of it, considering that art was what he thought was all he was good at. Tyler nodded in response, grinning as he analyzed the blue-inked sketch.

"J, this is amazing. How'd you learn how to do this?" He finally turned his head to look back at Josh. He grinned even wider as he saw the satisfied look on his partner's face. He truly was amazing.

Josh shrugged. " I d'know, I just started doing it one day..." He looked down, blushy and smiling shyly. 

"So you mean to tell me you taught yourself?" Tyler put his arm around Josh, pulling him closer and kissing the top of his head lovingly. "Amazing." He murmured against his fluffy pink hair, running his hand up and down Josh's arm. "You're amazing."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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