Idiot (Reveal)

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Just a little something I thought of.

A blast shook the school, rattling everyone inside. People scattered throughout the halls, screaming and flailing around hysterically. Adrien cursed under his breath, hating how an akuma popped up every two days. Can't a hero take a break?

He ran out into the halls, racing to find a place to transform, when someone hooked onto his arm. Adrien glanced back, and there was Alya, phone out and face set with determination.

"Alya?" Adrien asked her, trying to shake the blogger off his arm. "What re you doing?"

Alya rolled her eyes, stuffing her phone into a pocket and dragging the secret superhero into a empty classroom.

"Okay," Alya started. "I need you to transform and help Marinette. She's trapped under a bunch of rocks!"

Adrien stared at the blogger, computing what she said. His face scrunched up, gears in the brain slowly turning.


Alya stared at him, eyebrows raised.

"You once transformed in a park, idiot. Behind a fucking tree. A tree's not going to hide you, dumbass."

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