LadyNoir: Soap

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Think I just remembered something

Chat remembered his purpose here, on the Eiffel Tower, talking with his Lady.

I think I left the faucet running

Chat felt the words pour out of his mouth, rolling off his tongue as easily as her name. Ladybug.

Darling, you're just soaking in it

Ladybug sometimes blushed, but usually rolled her sapphire eyes at the occasional compliments the cat spewed forth while talking.

But I know you'll get out the minute

She began to become uncomfortable. The compliments were getting deeper, more flirtatious, more... real. He threw them out of his mouth more often as their chat continued.

You notice all your fingers pruning up

Chat was getting intimate. He was sincerely complimenting her, admiring her and diving too deep. Ladybug knew she was in a difficult position now, and she couldn't get out of it easily this time.

I'm tired of being careful, tiptoe, trying to keep the water warm

Chat Noir was getting serious. He was done hiding his feelings. He was confessing to her, and he knew he would do it. He was finally going to stop tiptoeing and he was just going to tell her, whether she liked it or not.

Let me under your skin

Chat was begging her with his words, begging to be given a chance, a shot at her love. He wanted to love her, and he wanted to be loved by her. He wanted her attention, her affection.

Uh oh, there it goes, I said too much, it overflowed

He noticed her expression, frantic and scared and panicking. Her eyes were wide with fear and discomfort. His words were making her feel this way, and he finally realized this.

Why do I always spill?

Oh, he did it this time. Her eyes were threatining to overflow with tears, the pressure too much. No going back now. He did it. Ladybug was being emotionally overwhelmed.

I feel it coming out of my throat, guess I better wash my mouth out with soap

He wish he could take back his words. He thought she could handle them, he thought she could handle the confession. But obviously, she couldn't. And Chat realized this as a few crystal tears dripped down her cheeks.

God, I wish I never spoke, now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap

Chat wanted to take back every single word. Seeing his Lady in such a state broke his heart, cracked it worse than all of her subtle rejections. He wish he could gargle mouthwash right then and there, cleaning out all the damaging words from his mouth. He hadn't wanted for her to feel like this.

Think I got myself in trouble

Chat Noir raced home, after bidding farewell to his emotionally unstable Lady, clutching at his hair and rethinking about his choices. He should have never said those things. He should have known she'd be overwhelmed. He was an idiot. An idiot.

So I'll fill the bath with bubbles

Adrien jumped in his bathroom, throwing off his clothes and filling his bath with warm water. Maybe he could soak his troubles away. Ha, Adrien thought sadly. If only it was that easy. He let the water sink into him, filling him with the warmth he was missing.

Then I'll put the towels all away

He shelved that night's events into the back of his mind, like towels in the cupboard. A cupboard that should not be opened. He tucked away those awful moments, relishing in the bubbly water that calmed him.

Should've never said the word "love"

Adrien bit his tongue as he thought about her expression, her desolate, scared expression, her beautiful blue eyes wide, inky hair shining in the moonlight. He had did that to her, he remembered, when she started to panic, started to cry. His head was aching.

Threw a toaster in the bathtub

His words were electricity, shocking through her, electrocuting her with emotions. He made the tension between them crackle with energy, words sparking through them, flaming the tension and the energy between them. He had made a dangerous decision.

I'm sick of all the games I have to play

At least he confessed. He couldn't let her skirt around his confession any longer. He had wanted - no, needed, - to tell her about what he felt. About all the suppressed emotions, all the affection and love he had wanted to express for the last few months. He had needed to tell her. He didn't want to pretend that he didn't feel for Ladybug what he felt.

But... as he thought about her face, her utter and completely lost expression, he felt a tumor of guilt and worry grow inside of him. He shouldn't have done that. He should've let her at least try and figure out her emotions, instead of trying to force her to choose. Adrien felt the water grow painfully hot - or was that his own skin? - as he though about it more. His head hurt too much.

Giving a loud sigh, Adrien leaned his head on the rim of the bathtub, soaking in guilt and a mix of different emotions. He chuckled. At least he knew one thing for sure.

Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap.

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