Marichat: Love to Dance

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Play the song please.

The club was cloaked in darkness. The only light were the strobe lights, different colored spotlights roaming the establishment. The air smelt heavily of alcohol, music pounding through the speakers.

She sat alone, sipping her alcoholic beverage, quietly watching the drunk partygoers dance sloppily on the floor. The club was packed with people that night, the night that famous designer Marinette Dupain-Cheng decided to live a little.

Note the words a little.

Was she planning to dance? No. Was she planning to have another martini? No. Was she planning to grab a guy and get kinky? Hell no.

She was there to enjoy what little pleasure the club offered. A drink or two, the familiar sensation of bass pounding through the air, watching stupid drunk people do stupid drunk things.

She already saw a drunk lady in a tight red dress fall asleep into her bowl of nachos. Now that was funny.

But still, the designer knew the dangers of being in a club. She'd rather not be drugged or kidnapped or harassed, so she made the smart decision of bringing a few of her bodyguards.

Only the best, she had told herself. Only the best bodyguards.

So in lieu of this guideline, Marinette brought along Volpina, Jade Turtle, Queen Bee, and Chat Noir. They stood professionally positioned around the booth, prim and stiff, ready to protect their boss.

Each one was on guard.

One, however, was a little more threatening and intimidating than usual. He stood poised perfectly, back straight, hands clasped in front of him, emerald eyes hardened with determination.

Usually this guard, the one who went by the name of Chat Noir, tended to be more laid-back and relaxed. His main hobbies were annoying the shit out of his friends and punning 24/7.

But when needed, Chat Noir was a badass. He could kick some serious butt, especially when given his weapon of choice, which was a silver staff.

But lately, the glances that were aimed at Marinette had occurred more often. At first, the designer credited the occasional glance towards the assurance of her safety. Chat just wanted her to be safe. It was his job, after all.

But the glances became more frequent. More prodding. More suggestive. Heated. Intense. The whiff of a blush often accompanied Chat's prolonged observations.

Marinette decided it was time to have a little talk with one of her bodyguards.

She caught his gaze, his emerald green gaze, and beckoned him over with a wave if her porcelain hand.

She quietly set her martini down on the table before her, strobe lights flickering over the glass.

He sat down, a twitch detectable on his fingers. A nervous gulp.

"How have you been faring?" the designer asked, soft cerulean gaze slightly prodding.

Chat's lips twitched upwards in a small smile. "I've been doing fine, thank you."

She hummed in content, taking a swig from her martini.

"You like me, don't you?"

He blinked. "What?"

Marinette smiled, a mischievous glint evident in her crystal eyes. "You like me, don't you, Chat?"

The bodyguard lurched back, surprise catching in his throat. "W-What? N-No!" he sputtered.

"Hmm." Another swig of the martini. Marinette lifted her head slightly. "I think you've forgotten that you're a extremely bad liar, Chat Noir."

He huffed.

"Okay, okay. I do like you. Would you... Maybe wanna go out to dinner sometime?"

The bluenette's spine bristled. She at straight up, posture rigid, eyes narrowed.

"Well..." she murmured thoughtfully, the martini shaking in her hands. "Usually I wouldn't approve of a bodyguard-client relationship, but..."

Chats lonesome gaze became helpful.

Mainette smiled.

"I think that this time, I'll make an exception."

A sigh of relief breezed past Chat's lips. He shook himself slightly, and relaxed, a smirk climbing into his face.

He stood, and bowed before the designer, holding his hand out. "Would you care to dance, My Lady?"

She giggled, accepting his hand. She gazed at the dance floor, watching the strobe lights meander, watching the people dance and cheer in content, albeit very intoxicated.

She squeezed his hand, curtsying with a slightly playful air.

"I would love to dance, Minou."

Okay I'm really sorry for not updating, but I'm on a MAJOR writers block. Anyways, have a good day!

And as always, stay safe, and stay happy.

Alpaca out!

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