Adrienette: Confused

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Marinette couldn't have been happier with her life. Good grades, a job as a superhero, a loving family.

Don't forget the caring boyfriend!

Ah, yes. That's right. After months and weeks and days pining after him, Marinette was finally able to win over the boy of her dreams...

Felix Agreste.

Sure, he may have been a grump at first, but his hard blue eyes softened as the couple's love grew, the relationship sweeter than sugar.

Then suddenly, her perfect life took a turn down confusion street.

It all started with the model.

And the new partner.

His name was Adrien Agreste. He was distant - very distant - cousins with Felix. To the best of her knowledge, the two had never even met.

To some extent, Marinette could see the similarities.

Blonde hair.

But Felix had bleached blonde hair. Adrien's was honey golden.

Strong jawline.

But Felix had his mouth set. No room for smiles. Adrien's jaw was a bit softer, and he smiled often.

Same eye shape.

But Felix's eyes were blue, and he had curt eyelashes. Adrien's eyes were emerald green, with black lashes that were both subtly feminine and decidedly masculine.

Same body shape.

But Felix's body was more reserved; posture perfect and set with the sense of purpose and authority. Adrien, however, was lanky and more free with his body movements.

Same heart.

Felix was reserved, closed off, prim and proper. Yet underneath his cold blue eyes and permanent frown was a patch of soft affection, compassion, and clarity.

Adrien had the same heart. But he was open, honest, down to earth and utterly approachable. You could spot his kindness right away.

Maybe this was why he got the unlucky Miraculous.

Marinette was able to tell it was him the moment she did her first battle, with him beside her.

Same body, eyes, hair...

Not to mention the same underlying flirty, kind personality.

So with all of these factors, how could she not take an instant liking to him?

She knew she shouldn't have, since she was invested with Felix already, but it was very hard to ignore a cute boy in leather flirting and complimenting you.

Very, very hard indeed.

So Marinette made it her mission to spend more time with Felix, to progress further with their relationship, to forget about his warm and inviting cousin.

And eventually she did. Eventually she had blocked him from her heart completely, feeling more invested with Felix then ever.

Unfortunately, her strong defenses were shattered the moment he showed the smallest bit of kindness to her, that one fateful night in the rain.

Marinette went back on guard, practically glueing herself to Felix Agreste.

And she loved him.

She truly did.

But then why did Adrien Agreste make her feel so confused?

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