Adrienette: Thank You

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Marinette didn't even know how she was able to score a seat right next to Adrien on the bus, for the field trip. 

Was her Lady Luck being extra lucky today?

Bonus point to Lady Luck for Marinette being able to actually start a conversation with him.

"So, a fan of Ladybug, are you?" she asked, eyeing his Ladybug key chain hooked to his bag. Adrien blushed, his skin warming up quickly, glancing out the window. His blue-haired beauty entered his mind, doing heroic things, flicking his nose, winking at him. Sighing with content, Adrien faced Marinette again and nodded, smiling slightly. 

"And you're a Chat Noir fan?" Adrien asked, noticing Marinette's new bracelet, which indeed had a black cat charm on it. Marinette glanced down to her bracelet and then back at Adrien, red-faced and wide-eyed. Adrien took notice of her expression and said "No no no no no! I didn't mean to make assumptions or anyth-"

"It's alright," Marinette interrupted, trying to act confident. "I am a Chat Noir fan." Adrien felt himself blush, knowing he had at least one fan. 

And then the doubts came pouring in.

"Why do you like him so much?" Adrien felt himself ask the bluenette next to him. Marinette eyed him, staring at his blank expression, smiling slightly. The bus jumped and shook down the country road. They were visiting a strawberry farm that day.

"Why not?" Marinette answered, rummaging in her bag. She pulled out her designing journal, and her lucky pencil, and began to draw, cursing silently when the bus jumped and caused her pencil to swerve. Adrien stared at her adorable face, her nose scrunched up, her eyes shining brightly as she drew.

"But Chat Noir isn't that important," Adrien sighed, channeling his self-doubt through his words. A heavy silence ensued and Adrien realized Marinette hadn't answered, so he looked over to her. There she sat, as stiff as a board, gripping her pencil tightly, her hand no longer articulating the strokes of her latest design. She was shaking slightly as well, her shoulders hunched and her bangs covering her face.

"Take that back," she whispered. Adrien stared at her, bewildered. He leaned in closer to her, trying to make sure he heard right.

"What?" he asked, rubbing his ear. Did he hear her correctly?

"I said," Marinette started, her voice deathly calm and fierce. "Take that back." She- She- what? Adrien thought to himself. He let his eyes wander over the school bus, desperately thinking of how he could get of this little situation. Then, a doubt. Another doubt.

Self doubt came pouring in, dropping like pins into his mind, telling him he was worthless, telling him he was unwanted, telling him he was nothing-

"Take that back, Agreste!" Marinette shouted at the boy, taking his silence as defiance. "I won't let you talk about Chat Noir like that!" Adrien grimaced at her tone, and before he could stop himself, he let his thoughts tumble out of his mouth.

"But why?" he asked her, emotions burning at the back of his throat. "Chat Noir is a useless nothing, a sidekick, a lingering, unwanted shadow, a piece of tra-"

Suddenly Marinette had him by the collar, dragging him down to meet her face. She was clearly angry. No, she was livid. She was furious. Her eyebrows were knotted together, her cerulean eyes cold and icy, her mouth pursed into a thin line. 

"I swear to God," she said, her voice cold and threatening. "Say one more bad thing about Chat Noir, Agreste, and you will regret the day you were born." She released him from her death grip, but that didn't stop her. Oh no, that fueled the fire, seeing his shocked expression.

"Chat Noir isn't useless. He's not a piece of trash. He's definitely not a sidekick. He's not a shadow, he's a star. He shines brighter than the sun, and if you can't see that then you're obviously not good enough to speak his name." Taking a deep breath, Marinette forced herself to calm down, and she turned away from the shell-shocked model, returning to her design.

The bus rumbled and jumped, and the mindless chatter that filled the vehicle sputtered into a hum when Marinette felt arms wrap around her. Heat rushing to her cheeks, Marinette glanced behind her shoulder, seeing Adrien, a happy smile on his face, clinging to her like a cat. He nuzzled his face into her side, completely and utterly ecstatic.

"A-Adrien?!" Marinette asked incredulously, her journal falling out of her lap. The blonde model said nothing but two words, two words that were breathed easily, happily, murmured through a black blazer.

"Thank you."

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