Adrienette: Tears

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I tried hard to make you want me

She would pepper herself with makeup, draping jewels across her neck. She wore tight clothes, giggled girlishly, hoping that he would approve.

But we're not supposed to be

She tried hard to push the little voice away, the one telling her that they weren't the perfect match, that they were flawed and it wasn't meant to be.

And the truth will always haunt me

She pushed it away, but it kept coming back, stalking her while she worked, while she relaxed, hell, even when she dreamed.

Even though it set me free

She knew the truth would set her free, would release her from the abusive relationship.

And my tears flow like the ocean

They streamed down her face like thick, salty rivers.

As they floated in the breeze

Her pain and crushing emotions would always drift away, unnoticed and silent.

They were falling in slow motion

She could always see them stain her skin, she could see them drop onto the ground.

And they brought me to my knees

Each drop caused her to build herself up, only to crash down again, drowning in her own emotions.

You're haunting me, taunting me all in my brain

He loved playing the mind games with her, teasing her and testing her limits.

Turn off the light and now all that remains

His only affection was given in the dead of night.

Fills me with doubt

She was starting to doubt that he still loved her.

And I'm shouting your name out loud

She would scream his name when he was gone, crying and shouting in pain, her cries echoing in the empty house.

Why do you wanna put me through the pain?

Why did he torture her? Why did he tell her that he lived her, only to frolic with another girl or ignore her for days?

I get the feeling I'll never escape

She wanted to run away and never look back, but she was always draw back in by his apologies, by his soft green eyes, by his soft-lipped smile:

I can't hide away from the shame of you

She was ashamed of him. Ashamed of herself. Ashamed of her relationship.

Tears on the ground, tears on my pillow

Her tears were salty and cold, staining her pillow at night, staining the ground during the day.

You won't bring me down

She decided. She would not be dragged down again. She would not be drawn back to him. She would move on.

And I'll get over you

She was moving on. She was going to find a happier situation for herself.

These tears will get me through

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