Chater 2

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I wake up sweaty and my heart is racing. I quickly sit up and look around. Where am I? I catch my breath as I look around this foreign room. A stream of light flows through the window and I hear birds chirping outside. The queen sized bed that i'm sitting on is white and shoved up against the wall, allowing the sun from the window to beat down on my skin while I sleep. I sit in shock on the floral duvet as memories of last night flood into my mind. The party, the fight, the chase. I must be in Harry's house. "This can't be happening." I groan as I lie back down and close my eyes.

My head aches and my nose is swollen. Luckily someone must have cleaned me up while I was asleep. Probably Harry. I examine my elbow, bending it to ease the stiffness. I imagine him carrying me through the parking lot to his car, my body limp in his arms. As I look down I notice I'm not wearing my navy blue dress anymore. A pair of black yoga pants cling to my skin and my body is swallowed by a large white t-shirt. The smell of cologne fills my nostrils, mixing with the fresh smell of clean linen.

For the next twenty minutes I lay on my back staring up at the ceiling deciding wether I should leave this room or not. Anxiety builds up in my body. Maybe I should just jump out the window and run away. What if this house didn't belong to Harry? Where would he have gotten yoga pants? I don't want to think Harry changing my clothes. Looking down again I notice my bra has been taken off too. My cheeks flush in embarrassment as I toss the thought from my mind. As time goes by I begin to smell something sweet aroma of pancakes. I'm really tempted to leave this bed, but still I don't have the courage to face what's on the other side of the door.

I hear foot steps nearing the brightly lit room and I start to panic. He's coming. I don't know what scares me so much about him, he saved my life last night and cleaned me up, not to mention gave me a place to stay. It was something to do with the way he looked at me. His eyes, they looked fiery and bloodshot. Darkness swam throughout his features, almost as if he had no soul. Seeing him chase me through the ally. The way he just changed so fast, it scared me.

The door slowly creaks open and I quickly close my eyes, acting asleep. Maybe he'll just leave me alone forever. The pancake smell gets stronger and a gust of cold air blows in through the door. The curtains are pulled open and the light shines brightly into my eyes causing my to screw my eyes shut.

"Good morning." I hear a raspy, yet lively voice say. My eyes flutter open to see deep green eyes staring at my alarmed face. The same curls hang down his forehead, but this time they are wet from showering. He runs his fingers through his hair, pushing it back into a more mature style than last night. I receive a smile as he begins talking away.

"So your dress is in the wash along with your underwear and bra and I hope you don't mind I couldn't get the blood stain out of your cardigan so its soaking in Clorox. Do you need any ibuprofen or ice? Your nose is slightly swollen." He rambles on and on while walking around the room with a bottle of windex, scrubbing the glass desk, mirrors and window with a paper towel from under his arm. This is not at all the man who chased me down a dark alley last night.

"Do I know you?" I ask without thinking. "No but it's okay I saved your life, I think you can trust me enough to let me wash your dress." He chuckles and looks over at me with a shrug. It amazes me how calm and laid back he is right now, while I'm panicking.

I stand up to leave, but sit back down. A sharp pain shoots through the back of my head and I wince, rubbing my temples. "Here let me get you some medicine, you're bound to be sore." I give in, nodding my head and give him a quite "thank you".

After a few minutes the pain in my head begins to ease and I decide to go see what's taking him so long. The door creaks and I walk into the hallway of what seems to be an old farmhouse. The light wooden floor creaks and doors line both sides of the plain white walls. As I pass a bathroom I decide to look at my appearance. I gasp at my reflecting in the mirror. I don't look as bad as I had expected. My bare skin is clear, just paler than normal from my loss of blood. My thick hair seems to be fine too, dark brown waves fall over my shoulders. What shocks me are the bruises that cover my face. My brown eyes are bloodshot and swollen from crying. Turning on the sink I splash some warm water on my clammy skin trying to wash the bruises away, but their still there.

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