Control ((Wanda Maximoff x Powers!Reader))

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A/N: In this, Reader-chan (that's you!) has been experimented on, and has similar powers as Wanda. Ok, that's all! (And thank you all for over 200 reads!)

               --SET AFTER AOU--

You and Wanda were devastated. Pietro was gone, and it was all your fault. Or, it felt that way. It was your fault that Sokovia was demolished. That stupid robot of Stark's...

You were so depressed, and your powers were getting completely out of hand. In your defense, you weren't doing it on purpose. Hydra never exactly have you lessons on how to use them.

Like just the other day, you sneezed and Tony's hair stuck straight up. You remembered the look of absolute horror on his face as he screamed like a ten year old girl.

Wanda came up to you with a hot cup of tea in hand. She placed it on the table in front of you and sat down.

"It doesn't matter who's fault it was, (Y/N)." She said rubbing circles on your back, "What matters is that your here. I don't know what I'd do with myself if I lost you as well."

You smiled weakly at the woman who had protected you since, well forever. You carefully picked up the cup of tea and sipped it. Wanda smiled.

"You're looking much better." She said kindly. She was right. You had your normal skin tone back, instead of a pale, sickly one. Your eyes were still red and puffy from crying and a lack of sleep, but definitely got there spark back.

"(Y/N), I think we should work on controlling your powers." Wanda told you, "Tony is still mad about the hair."

You nodded in agreement, and stood up. Wanda grinned and gently took your hand in hers. She lead you into the training room.

Wanda opened the equipment closet and pulled out three balls. She placed them in a line in the middle of the gym.

"Now, (Y/N), I want you to lift the balls up. Channel your power. You control it, don't let it control you." Wanda instructed you. You nodded and took a shaky breath.

You raised your hands and concentrated. It took every fiber in your body the channel that incredibly powerful energy, through your hands.

(F/C) orbs swirled around your hands as you concentrated. When you thought that you had enough power, you unleaded it. A swirling whirlpool of brilliant (F/C) light surrounded the balls, lifting them up off the ground.

"Great work, (Y/N)!" Wanda cheered. You opened your eyes to see the floating balls. You smiled brightly and cut off the flow of energy. The balls bounced around the gym, and Wanda pulled you into a warm embrace.

"You did it perfectly!" She cheered. You smiled.

"We'll keep practicing." Wanda smiled. You and her walked back to the main room.

"So, how'd the training go?" Steve asked you. You nodded a yes.

"It went wonderfully! I actually didn't blow anything up!" You said. Steve smiled and sipped his coffee.

"Like Tony's hair?" He joked.

"HEY, I CAN HEAR YOU, YA KNOW." An infuriated Tony screeched from the other room.

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