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The next morning when I woke up Anna was still beside me. She looked weak and in pain but asleep.  I got up and walked to the living room. Aaron was on the couch asleep and my mom was cooking breakfast.  I walked to the kitchen. "Anna had an attack last night." I said. She stopped cooking and looked at me. "What?"  She ask. "Last night Anna woke me up with her screaming and crying.  I went up there and Aaron brought her down to our bed. She slept with me. She looks horrible mom.  And I'm not leaving till she gets better." I said. My mom kept cooking.  "I'm taking her to the doctor today." Right as she said that we heard another scream.  I ran into our room with my mom and Aaron behind me.  Anna was on the floor yet again holding her stomach and screaming and crying. I walked over to her and held her in my arms.  "Come on. We're going to the doctor." Aaron picked her up and took her to my moms car. My mom tried and tried but the car wouldn't start. Before anyone said anything Aaron took her out and took her to the truck.  I jumped in with him and my mom tried to get in. "U get your car started well meet u at the hospital!" I said.  Aaron slammed on the gas and took off. We got to the hospital and took her in. They took her back on a bed. After a little bit my mom and dad and Toby walked in. I stood up. "They took her back and they are doing some tests on her." I said. Aaron was standing beside me and I told him and my dad and Toby to go exploring and I would call them if we heard something. They went walking off. My mom sat down and I sat beside her. "I'm a horrible mother." She said looking at the ground. "No your not. One little mistake that's it." I said. She looked at me. "It's not just one time. I messed up with u and u ran off and Toby I apparently didn't raise him how he was supposed to be raised or else he wouldn't be such a rebellious person, and I didn't tell Anna she had cancer." I looked away and quietly said to myself, "dang." I turned around. "That don't mean your a bad mother. Hey I'm back! And Toby's much happier now that he gets to go somewhere. And Anna she's gonna be just fine. She's getting the help she needs I mean u did take her in to your house, u took her to the doctor, you've done a lot." I said. I grabbed her hands and turned her towards me. "Your the best mother anyone could ask for." I said slightly smiling. She smiled and hugged me. "That's why your my favorite." We both laughed. The nurse came out with a notebook. "Hello, is this the family for miss Anna?" She ask. Me and mom looked at eachother wondering why they called her Anna and not her full name. "Um yes." I said standing up. "She is ok. We gave her some medications to help calm her down and help the pain. She is sleeping. The doctor wanted to talk to u about surgery and what is happening to her. We did some scans and tests and saw some things and he wants to talk to u. He will come out and get u and take u back, talk to u and show u some things, and then u can see her." She said. "Thankyou so much." I said. My mom shook her head and the nurse walked off. Me and my mom sat down. I texted my dad And they came back. Aaron sat on one side of me and my mom on the other side along with my dad and Toby. "Umm. It would be awkward for u to go back and considering your not her family... Will u stay out here please?" I ask. "Of course." He said. "Thankyou babe." I said. The nurse came out again. "MISS ANNA'S FAMILY PLEASE!" She said. Me, my mom and my dad stood up. We walked back to the nurse. We got taken to a room and the doctor came in. "Hello." He said sticking his hand out for us to shake. We all shook his hand and he sat across from us. "I'm gonna get quick and snappy with this. Anna has cancer on her stomach and we have to go in and take it out. It's a golf ball sized tumor and it has went to her appendix and it was basically poking at it and that is what was giving her the pain but she also got in here and her appendix bursted from the tumor hitting it. So we have to take that out to. She is in a lot of danger the longer we wait. So can we do it?" He ask. We all looked at eachother. "Yes. Whatever it takes to get my baby girl feeling better." My mom said. He shook our hands and left. The nurse came in. "The doctor is getting ready now and they are putting her under. U can see her go down the hall but she will be asleep so she won't talk. She will go have surgery come out and u can see her but only 2 at a time." She said. I stood up. "Ok." She took us back out and we explained what all they said to Aaron and Toby. And now we wait....

The wait was long we ate and slept most of the day away.  It took 4 hours early.  The nurse came out. "Miss Anna." She said.  Me and my mom ran over there.  She opened the doors and let me and my mom back first.  She took us to a room and Anna was in it.  "She should wake up in about an hour if u want to stay in here with her or whatever. She is breathing well on her own. Over all she is doing great!" The nurse said. She walked out and we slowly walked over to Anna.  She was asleep. I ran my fingers through her hair.  "I'm sorry Anna." Mom said. She grabbed her hand. "I know I'm not the best I could be but I hope I'm better then your old parents." She said. We sat in a chair waiting for her to wake up.  Finally she woke up. I walked over to her. "Hey... Do u need anything? R u ok?" I ask. She stuck her thumb up.  "I'm great." She said. "My stomach hurts. Wait what happend?" She ask. "Long story short u had a tumor hitting your appendix boom it exploded and they took out the tumor and your appendix." Mom said. She looked at me. "Thankyou for taking care of me last night and telling me."  She said to me. I looked at her and down at the floor and back up at her.  "Well I wasn't going to just let my little sister scream in pain all night." I said. She smiled. We talked for a little bit then my mom went out and sent my dad in.  "Hey hon. R u feeling ok?" He ask. She looked at me for a brief moment.  "Yes." She said.  "Ok hon. If u need anything tell one of us." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Dad.  She's ok. I'm not leaving her."  I said. He shook his head and smiled.  "Your brother is gonna come in and see u then Aaron I guess." He said. "Ok." She said. Dad walked out. I sat down and Toby came in the door. He looked scared. "Umm..r u o-ok?" He ask stuttering. "Well dur im sitting here talking to u!  Ain't I!?" She said. She brightened up and smiled. "I.. I guess.  We were all worried about u." He said walking over to her. "I know but.. I'm better now." She said. They talked and then he left and mom came in again. "Hey sweetie." She said looking at me. Anna was now asleep and I was on the verge of going to sleep. "Hey." I said in a crackly sleepy voice. "So I was wondering what the plan is?" She ask. "Well.... I don't know actually I need to talk to Aaron but I was thinking going back getting all of our stuff come back spend some time with the kids and take them one at a time back with us for a week." I said. She shook her head. "Ok. Do u think u will move back?"  She ask. "I don't know! I don't know. Ok. I don't know it's just- I don't know." I said standing up.  " I mean I honestly don't want to come back. I want to go back tot the beach get married live in our house!" I said. She stood up. "U have a house!?" She ask. "No. We have one picked out for us to buy after we get married.  It's just all such a mess. " i said.  I felt a tear go down my eye."I just want a healthy happy family." I said. My mom walked over to me and hugged me.

The next day the doctor came in and told us she would leave in a few days.  Me and Aaron and my mom decided we would take Toby back with us and then we would come back when she got out. So that's what we did. We headed on to the beach!

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