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I got up the next morning with Aaron beside me. The baby sitter stayed over night just because she wasn't aloud to drive after 9. She said she would leave when she got up. Anyways, I rolled over to look at him and he was already there looking at me. He grinned. "Good morning sunshine." He said. "Good morning." I said. I smiled and hugged him. "I love u to the moon and back." I said. He squeezed me. I laughed and he let me go.
I sat up and put on some pants and a long sleeve shirt and put my hair in a pony tail to look, somewhat presentable. I got up and walked into ivys room where she was laying playing with her toes. "Hey baby girl." I said. Aaron was behind me and looked down at her. "She looks like u. Beautiful." He said. I looked at him over my shoulder. "We both say thankyou." I said. I picked her up and rocked her in my arms. I gave her to Aaron to change her diaper while I made her bed and our bed.
After, we went downstairs and I made us breakfast, pancakes. We sat and ate all together. The baby sitter had left. The house was quiet. When I was done I put the dishes in the dish washer. Aaron was laying on the couch and ivy was on his chest pulling his chest hairs. I knew it didn't hurt but he would shake and said," ow!" And she would laugh. I walked over and sat at his feet. Ivy turned and he helped her stand up and she jumped at me. I caught her and started tickling her. I layed down beside of Aaron and she sat on him. We watched some tv. And fell asleep.
I woke up and looked beside of me and Aaron and ivy were both still asleep. I stood up and picked ivy up. I took her upstairs and put her in her bed. I walked back down and Aaron was still asleep. I started cleaning and finally Aaron woke up. He went to his office and started working while I wen tupstairs to get ivy and put her in the bath. She was  awake and lying in her bed. I picked her up and took her clothes off and put her in the bathtub. She had a lot of fun and she played around.
Later on I took her out and wrapped her in a towel. I put her clothes on and took her downstairs and fed her lunch.
That evening she would stop crying and she wouldn't let me hold her. I was stuck and I didn't know what to do. I was so stressed. She would pull my hair when I held her and she would take a bottle or a pacifier. I gave up and picked her up and ran out Aaron's office and shoved her into his arms. "I'm going out." I said in tears. I grabbed my coat and ran out of the house. I called Cara.
Hey it's me. Meet me at the beach. I need u.
Where's ivy!? What am I supposed to do with my kids?!
Leave them with your husband that's what I did!
Ok meet you there, bye.
I walked to the beach trying to hold back the tears. I sat down and then I saw Cara she sat beside me and I hugged her. "I don't know how u do it." I said. She laughed. "It's actually pretty easy they all keep themselves together and they make eachother laugh, all I gotta do is changed the diapers and give them their food." She said. "I think what's wrong with me is just Aaron. He's been on his computer all day 24 hours. I have to take care of her by myself.... You know sometimes I don't even know if he's actually working." I said. She frowned. "What else would he be doing?" She ask looking at me Shockly. I looked away. "I don't know." I said. "Cali. I think u are thinking something bad. HE WOULD NEVER BETRAY U LIKE THAT!" She said. I sighed. " I don't know...." I said. u need to go home and straighten it out where he leaves to go to work so u don't have to deal with him. And when he comes back he can go on Daddy Duty!" She said. "I guess..." I said. We talked for a long time.
9:15- I knew Ivy was in bed or going to bed so I went home. I stood up and hugged her. "Thankyou for this..." I said. "Anytime babe." She said. I walked off. "Bye!" I said.
I got home and unlocked the door. I put the keys on the table and walked into Aaron's office and he wasn't there. I walked into the kitchen, nope. Then I heard a scream from upstairs. I knew it was Ivy. "Oh my gosh how does she do this!?" He ask Ivy as I walked in the door to her room. "Alone." I said. He turned. He handed me Ivy. "Well first u need to turn on her humidifier, u don't remember she can't breathe without it!!?" I said. "How was I supposed to know!?" He ask. "Maybe because we've taken her to the doctor for this!? Oh wait I forgot, I took her! Alone! Like everything else!" I said. I ran downstairs. "U don't do anything alone!" He said form the top of the stairs. "Bull! What happens, u get up and feed her then u lay on the couch and sleep, I clean the dishes that u just dirtied and then I put her in her room for a nap, I walk back down after she wakes up and u are just waking up, u say u love me and u go to your office, I feed her lunch and give her a bath and straighten up the house, I make supper, u eat and go back, u kiss her goodnight and I put her to bed, I sit in the living room watching tv waiting for u but give up and go into our room and go to bed!" I said. I was so mad and he obviously noticed. He ran down as I was walking up with ivys bottle. I put it in her mouth and sat in the rocker. I heard him get the keys and I heard the door open and slam closed. I felt a tear run down my cheek but wiped it away. Ivy placed with my hair and fell asleep. I put her in her bed and walked out. I closed her door. I walked downstairs and grabbed the phone. I called Aaron. "What?!" He ask. "Don't bother coming home tonight." I said. "Wow- ok- I'm fine with that. Bye!" He said. I threw the phone across the room and ran upstairs. I changed into some pajamas and layed down in bed. I turned on the tv and watched it for a bit. I walked into ivys room and grabbed her humidifier and her and her pacifier. I took her into our- my room and put her on the bed and plugged in her humidifier and layed down beside her. She was still sleeping. She looked so peaceful. I rubbed her hair to be behind her ears. I kissed her head and went to sleep.

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