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when she was ready we went to the diner. It was still raining but the sun was out. 
We got there and he was sitting in a booth in the corner. We walked over and sat down.  The waitress came, ordered our food and left to the kitchen. "So I've been thinking... I really do want a kid it's just I feel it's too early. Why don't we get a puppy!" I frowned when he said that. I looked at Anna and she frowned. "A puppy isn't a baby!" I said.  I ask Anna to move and I went to the bathroom. I rinsed my face off and just stood there for a little bit. Finally I rinsed my face again but Anna walked in as I was drying my face off. "He has no common sense! U want a baby, u are willing to go through the pain for a baby but noooo he don't want one! ITS SO STUPID!" She said kicking the door. "Calm down... It's ok. If he's not ready I'm not gonna rush.  It is stupid, yes, but we can live our lives and get our life straight and then think about it." I said.  I walked out the door with her behind me. I sat down.  He looked up at me.  "I respect your decision." I said. He sat up straight. We ate and then went home.

I looked up churches around us and I found one that sounded perfect for us.we also looked at some puppy's at an adoption center. We found a husky that we loved his name was Koda, he was a few months old and pretty big. We went to the adoption center and adopted him! It was awesome and it made me so happy thinking about him.
That night we went to bed with Koda in between me and Aaron. We fell asleep and I slept so good

I woke up with Aaron and Koda beside me.  I went downstairs. I watched some tv and fell back asleep.
I woke up again and I looked on my phone and I had billions of calls from my dad. I called him back.
Dad what's going on!?
A lot. First off Toby came home this morning with some friends.  He was basically dead so I took him to the hospital and then your mother locked herself in her room again.
Do we need to come back!?
You and Anna definitely, please Cali!? I can't do this alone!
Ok we're coming right now!

I ran up the stairs and hung up.  I woke Anna up and she started packing while i wrote a note to Aaron talking about what happend and where we were. We left in the truck and we were at the hospital within a hour or so. We ran in and went to my dad.  We hugged him.  He had bags under his eyes and they were sunken in.  "Toby was drinking and doing drugs. They said it was a serious amount. They said he was conscious and I could go in but I can't do it. They said he had so much drugs in him that he should be in a coma right now." He said. I Walked over to the lady at the desk." Toby, I want to go back now." She jumped up and took me back.  I got back to Toby and he was sitting on the bed through up in a trashcan. He looked up and stopped.  "Hi?" He ask. "Hey! Hello! Hola! Bonjour!" I said in a very exaggerated voice. "What's wrong with u!?" He ask. "Oh I don't know maybe my little brother should be in jail in a coma right now!?" I said. "What!?"  He ask. "Yeh and u may go to jail in just a little bit!" I said. "Wait-" "no! U should be in a room cuffed to a bed by your hands and feet knocked out in a coma on medicine to help u die! But no by the grace of God u are here alive paying for what u did to yourself!" I said.  He was getting mad. "Maybe I wanted to live my life as a teenager and have some fun!" He said. "U can do that just not by drugs and alcohol, u know I should really knock u onto the floor just so u would unhook from the medicines and puke your guts out while being in pain from where I just slapped u into the floor!"  I said. I turned around and held my hea.d "I CANT LOSE U TOBY!" I said.  I started crying. "I'm- I- u- maybe u should! Just let me live my life and me deal with my consequences and u, dad, mom, and Anna go build a bridge while I do drugs and- and- and let me do whatever I decide to do!" He said. "THATS THE PROBLEM TOBY! U hurting yourself from something that can easily be put away is going to hurt all of us because WE LOVE U TOBY AND U DONT UNDERSTAND THAT!" I said. He started crying. "GET OUT!" He said. I saw the fury on his face. "Wow Toby if that's how-" "NO! JUST please leave me alone." He said. I didn't move then he said, "HELP HELP!" I walked out, "I love u Toby." I said.  I walked out into the waiting room trying to push down the fury that was in me.  Anna and my dad walked over. "Is he ok?" Dad ask. "YES HES JUST FINE! HES SO FINE HE CAN STILL ARGUE LIKE HE USED TO!" I said. I was so mad I went for the door to leave but my dad grabbed me and pushed me on the chair. "U STAY RIGHT THERE AND DONT MOVE!" He said. I sat there and tried to calm down. Anna came over with a ice pack. "I'm sorry." She said. "No, I should be saying sorry for showing my butt." I said. She sat beside me. "I wish I would have told someone." She said. "No ma'am. Don't say that it wasn't your fault! It was the stupid idiot that decided to do its fault. That's why he's the one in the hospital right now." I said. "I need to tell u something and I guess this might not be the right time to tell u but.... I've been seeing this guy who loves me and treats my like I need to be treated and- well... I'm- we- I- um. I don't know....pregnant?" She said quietly in my ear. I jumped up. I smiled ear to ear. "Oh my gosh! No way!" I said. She smirked and stood up. I hugged her. " u should live in our house with us! It's not good for the baby to be around that. " I said. I looked at her and dropped to my knees and kissed her stomach. My dad obviously saw and ran over to me. "What are u doing?!" He ask. "Oh. Uh. Anna ate something and she was wondering if I heard it go down." I said. I stood up and we both smiled.

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