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Aaron went to work that owning and i made Ivy breakfast. She ate and I put her down for her nap. I went downstairs and felt sharp pains. After a while I couldn't even go up to go get Ivy. (Ivy is still 2) she was screaming and crying.  I told Aaron to come home immediately. Within 5 minutes he was there.  He kissed me and ran up to get Ivy. He brought her down and fed her some food.  "Hey, uh u might want to start coming, I think we're gonna head to the ER as soon as u get here or maybe before."  Aaron said to my mom. "We're coming." They hung up.  I tried to suck it up.  I layed down on the couch for a little bit. Aaron took care of Ivy and later that night my parents got there. They stayed the night and I went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night again with those pains. Aaron got me up and helped me downstairs. My mom packed a baby bag. We got in the car and went to the hospital.

3 hours later I had Braxton! We were so happy and Ivy loved him.  We went home and it was sooooo hectic. Braxton would start crying and then Ivy would start crying.
After a few weeks we went back  to work. Like taking care of a 2 year old a 3 week old isn't enough. 
I woke up and got ready for work. I fed the kids and left. I walked to work. When I got there I switched the light to on and I opened everything. The cooks and some other waitresses came, actually just another girl. People started coming in. A man I had known forever came in and sat down in his normal spot. I knew he wanted 2 pancakes, 1 sausage, one bacon, 3eggs. "Hey Carter!" I said. "U want the normal honey?" I ask looking at his grey hair. He pulled out his glasses as I started walking over to him. He looked at the menu. "You know what? Last time I ate sausage it gave me intergestion so I think I'll take the normal except no sausage." He laughed," I'm on it!" I walked back to the kitchen and handed them the paper. After it was cooked I took it to him. I out it down and ask if he needed anything, he pointed to the seat across from him. "Can we talk?" He ask. "Sure. What up?" I ask. "I was just wondering how the new little one is?"he ask. "Oh," I said laughing," his name is Braxton but we call him Brax, he's doing good." I said. "Your looking good yourself." He said. "What do u mean?!" I ask. "I mean u just and a baby!" I laughed. "Well thankyou. " I said. I kept working.
That night I had to close. I was the last one out. It was dark and cold. I looked around to make sure a car wasn't coming and I walked across the road. I saw a little baby sitting in a box and I picked it up.  It was a little girl. I looked around and looked in the box, where there was a note. It said,

"Hello friend. I don't know who u are but I'm going to guess u are nice. I'm around a corner watching u read this and I hope u will take my child and help her. I can't care for her. I'm just 15 and I had this child and my parents disowned me and no one in my family loves me. I'm going to start a new life without her. I'm going to get a job, find someone who loves me, and just grow up a little more.  If u can't take care of her I don't know what I will do. Her name is Lena.  She is around 3 weeks old. God bless.  Thankyou. Goodbye.
P.s. I have a picture of me and her just so if she ever wonders u can show her my picture."
I looked in the box again and saw a picture of a girl with dark Hair, blue eyes.  She looked like she was in the hospital. I looked around for the girl.  I saw a girl in a black coat peace around a corner and go back. I knew I couldn't take care of 3 kids but I couldn't leave the baby. I saw the girl page around the corner and I started walking towards her," can we talk?" I ask. She backed away so I wouldn't see her face. I got close to her with the baby still in my arms. "Do u do drugs?" I ask. "No." I looked at her and narrowed my eyes. "I'm Cali," I stuck out my hand. She shook it," I was wondering if u want to come home with me tonight?" I ask. "Really?" She ask. "I have 2 kids, Ivy,2, and Braxton, 3 weeks.  My husband is at my house too. If u don't feel comfortable then it's fine.  I just wanted to help u." I said.  She came out and showed her face. She was beautiful. She hugged me and started crying. I smelt how bad she smelt.  I figure she slept in the alley. She was really skinny.  I grabbed her hand and took her to my house. Aaron was at the door. "I need u to go stay with someone or at a hotel."  I said to Aaron. I knew the girl wouldn't want to stay in a house with a man. I. wanted her to get used to me first.  He grabbed the keys and left. The kids were in the bed. She walked in with me. "That was my husband but I knew I wouldn't feel comfortable with him here."  I said. She walked around looking at the house. I took her upstairs. "Here is my shower u are welcome to get in it while I give Lena a bath." She smiled and got in. I gave Lena a bath and put Braxton's clothes on her. I gave the girl some of my clothes.  I put Lena in a pack and play and the girl slept with me.

Long story short. I ended up adopting Lena and her mother went off and got a job, got married, and got Lena back. She had a few more kids too.

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