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I was awoken by Ivy making baby noises. I looked at her. "Good morning baby girl." I said kissing her head. She giggled. I tickled her and got up. I changed clothes and took her downstairs. I kind of like it being just me and her. No one on the couch or anything. I looked across the room and saw that the phone had been picked up and put in its place. I walked around the corner and there Cara was. I walked over and hugged her. She grabbed Ivy. "Hello, so what happend?" She ask. "What do u mean?' I ask. "Judging by the phone on the ground and the last call was to Aaron and no one on the couch I'm guessing something happend?" She ask. "Yes... He was being a brat last night saying I don't do this alone when he knows I do. I told him my day and he got mad and left." I said. She pulled me in for a hug. "I'm fine though. I don't need him. Me and ivys got this." I said. We walked into the kitchen and I made us toast and eggs. We ate and then I put Ivy in her bed for a nap. Same thing: bottle, humidifier, rock, bed, close door, the end. I walked back down to see Cara standing there with the phone in her hand pointing it at me. "Ugh." I said walking past her. "Aw come on u need to apologize." She said. I turned around. "I didn't do anything to apologize for! I'm not apologizing to that little-" "brat." "Yeh..." I said. She handed me the phone and I called him while she washed dishes. I walked to the stairs and sat down.
-Oh hi..
-I was wondering where do we go from here?
-What do u mean?
-We've been going nothing but down hill.
-I know. I'm sorry about Last night.
-It's- not ok.... I need your help in raising our little girl and right now you haven't been helping. U have no respect for me as a mother. I feel like I'm a single mother with no job. We need jobs where we go out and we can switch shifts or something...
-I'm sorry ok what do I have to do?!
He stopped talking for a little bit
-I'm the one that works all the time to get this family money and all u do is take care of a baby!
-and clean house, and clean up your mess, and spend time with u, well sty to when u were out of your cave!
-I - I-
-just go find a job and call me back.
I hung up and explained to Cara what happend. She told me it would all get better. He called me a little while later
-I got a job, I work Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
-thankyou where is it?
-the diner as a cook
-nice... Can u come home so I can go get a job?
- I guess if u will let me...
- come on.
-bye, I love u?
-I love u.
I hung up and Cara left and he came. I hugged him as soon as he walked in the door. "She's taking a nap but should be up in a little bit. I'm gonna go get a job, maybe at the diner. That's the only thing around now." I said. "They pay really good 10 bucks an hour!" he said. I looked in his eyes and got worried all of the sudden. I didn't want to lose him but we were going down hill and we were going fast. I wanted more kids, but I didn't think that was gonna happen the way we were going. I mean I was fine with Ivy and yes she is a handful but like Cara was saying "they play together, they keep eachother entertained" and I just thought maybe Ivy would be a lot better and happier if she had a little sibling.but most of all, I wanted us to be a big happy family. Whether it was with or without another kid. I need and want so badly for Ivy to have a dad by her side. When she's older, if it was me and her: I wouldn't intimidate the boy she would go on a date with, I would be alone if she was gone on dates and partying with her friends, I would be afraid to be that weird parents everyone hates, I don't want Ivy to think I can't keep secrets and I can't keep this family together.... I can't to anything without her father. She don't know how important it is to have both parents by u all the time.
Aaron noticed something was up and he ask me," I'm just thinking about how bad we are and what I couldn't do if I raised Ivy on my own. Cause honestly that's what I've been doing...." He frowned as he heard these words. I figured the would just do like the rest and go in one and right out the other. "I know I've made mystakes and u don't have to act like I'm the worst person in the world and keep bringing it up. I can't change the past Cali, what do u want me to do!?" He backed away from me and ran his fingers through his hair."that's my point Aaron! We keep fighting and we can't get along anymore it's like u haven't been there it's like I'm a single mom living in this big ol' house with my daughter. I can't protect us like I could if I had a man here to be with me but I'm starting to think the reason u are in that room is because your bored of us. If that's what it is, I guess I'll just have to raise her on my own." I said standing my ground. "Hey, your not talking about... Divorce are u? Cause if so what has been with u?! I mess up one time-" I stopped him," you've messed up more than one time and I am done with your junk! If your gonna act like these geeze just leave us behind!" I said." I've messed up so many times and I've apologized a million times but u can't say that's ok were better now! U have to bring it up every moment!" He said. "Then leave us! Ok I just want my little girl to be happy. But she can't grow up being happy with us fighting like this. I was thinking earlier she needs a sibling one that will help her and be there for her when your not there and I can't be there." I said. He frowned. "You know what," I figured I knew what he was about to say," we're done." He turned and started to grab the keys but put them back down after he got off his truck key. "I'll be back later on in about 3 weeks and I will see how you girls are doing and we will go from there." I broke down in tears and all he did was stare at me. He opened the door and walked into the door way. "If your gonna just keep leaving us then maybe we SHOULD DIVORSE!" I said. I was so mad at this point. I had never felt so alone. He walked out and the door closed behind him. I ran to the phone and called Cara.
Hey girlfriend!
Cara... I'm broken... I need u
Im on my way with the kids.
A few minutes later she arrived. She took the kids upstairs and put them in the guest bedroom."Aaron called. He was mad. And crying. He told my husband that they needed a vacation. My husband went with him so now it is me and u for 3 weeks." She said. "Is something wrong with u guys?" I ask. "I haven't told anyone but we've been thinking about splitting for a little bit so this is an accident that was waiting to happen and finally happend." She said. I hugged her and we Broke down in tears. She pushed me away and she stood up tall. "We don't need men. We have our kids and eachother and that's all we need." She said. I smiled and wiped away my tears. We went and got some food out of the fridge and ate and ate and ate and watched tv. Finally at 1 in the morning we went to bed.

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