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When we got there we showed him around.  he loved it.  We went to our apartment and showed him around then changed and went down to the beach.  it was 6:49.  The sun was setting and not many people were there.  Me and Aaron sat on the ground and Toby went down to the ocean.   He stood there and closed his eyes.  I walked up there and stood beside him and closed my eyes.  The wind blew my hair back and it felt great. I decided I wanted to get married right there at that time.

At around 8:55 we went back up. We saw a pool at a local hotel and we went and got in. No one was there. We got in and I swam under water for a bit along with my brother. Aaron's end to our apartment because he said he was tired. After a while we went back to our apartment. When we got there Aaron was in the shower.i went to my room and changed clothes. I came out and told my brother he could go change.  We sat on the couch and watched tv. Aaron walked out and came over to us.  His long hair wet.  He sat beside me and I cuddled up to him.  He smelt so good.  After a while we were tired and got something to eat.  I got in my bed and the boys were gonna stay up for a while..

The next morning when I woke up both of the boys were sleeping in the living room. I put on some clothes and Waited. When they got up we went to a wedding store. We picked out where,when, a arch, a preacher, chairs for people to sit in, a place I would get my dress and him get his tux, and the cake. The cake was a chocolate and vanilla cake with white fondant and a wedding topped and beads that went down to the bottom.  It was perfect. Everything was ready except cl0thes.  I was gonna have everyone come so me ad the girls could go shopping and the boys go shopping. We went out to the beach that night. The sand was drenched in the cold rain and clouds over us.  The water was calm. I face timed my mom.

She looked at me...she looked like something was wrong

Hey honey...
What's wrong?
Nothing...just... How was your day!?
We went and picked out everything....all I have to do now is clothes.
Oh that's great honey, it really is but I really must go now

She said looked behind the phone and pulling it closer to her face.

honey I really need to go now.
Honey really I have to leave for just a moment...ill call u tomorrow.. Oh I mean no I won't
Mom. What is going on?
She looked at me and hung up.i called my dad

What the heck is going on?!
Oh I'm great honey how r u.... Your mother just kind of shut herself in her room for a while. On the bright side your sisters home!
Do I need to come home?
No no honey we are fine....your mother...is really..out of it..

I froze.  She had done this before. She just locks herself in her room and don't come out for a while don't talk to anyone but in the night she goes out and gets food and stuff. It's very strange but it's just something she does to block herself from the world and take a break.

If I need to come home I can. 
No no u guys have fun but um why don't u come back in 4 days on Friday. 
Ok. We will. I love u dad and call me if u need something.
Ok I will I love u too cal and Toby. Oh and Aaron too.
Bye dad.

I walked over to Aaron and Toby who were now at the water. "Moms Locked up herself again." I said.  Toby looked at me. "Again? Can she not get help its stupid." He said. "Hey now. She just needs a break from life. It's just her happy place." I turned to look at the ocean. "Like this. This is my happy place." I Said.

After a long time we walked up to the apartment. When we got there my best friend was there Cara. Me and her went out on the balcony while the three boys played video games. I closed the door. The air was blowing. It made my hair go out tit he side of me and I shivered. I leaned over the rail rubbing my eyes. "I don't know what to do." I said. I really just wanted to break down crying. she walked over and Leaned over beside me. "Hey, why don't u go get your mom and sister and dad. Bring them here tomorrow. Go get a dress with us girls while they get a tux and then the next day get married.that way your mom will open up, you'll be happy with Aaron, I will get to see my best friend walk down the isle. Toby and Anna will be happy." She said. I looked at her. "I just don't know...'

Let's fast forward a month.... We got married had a honeymoon. My family was happy, we were buying our house. Life was great.

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