1 - I Just Can't Stop Thinking Of You

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Wherever You Are by 5 Seconds Of Summer

Mrs. Mom: I've been cleaning out the attic. Check it out! You and Tyler when you were kids. You guys were adorable. Practically the same person up until you graduated. I hope you still keep in touch with him

There's a picture attached to the message my mom sent. It's me and Tyler when we were small and we're running around my yard probably playing some silly game that other kids taught us in school.


"Rosie! Tyler is here for you!" I run downstairs as fast as my little body could carry me as soon as I heard Tyler was here. As promised, my neighbor's son, Tyler, is there playing with my dog, Robin. Tyler's mom is here too, talking with my mom.

"Tyler let's go!" I grab his arm and giggle, dragging him to the backyard. My dad was out there, raking leaves in a big pile.

"Rosie, Tyler, go get your jackets on! We don't want either of you catching a cold." He scolds us. I groan and run back to the house telling Tyler to stay there. I find my jacket and a sweatshirt he left here yesterday and run back out panting and a out of breath.

"Thank you, Ro." Tyler thanked me as he pulled the sweatshirt over his head.

"I'm assuming you kids want to jump right?" My dad asked motioning to the now completed leaf pile. Tyler and I exchange looks and nod eagerly.

"Get ready. I'm scoring." Dad prepared himself.

"You first." Tyler smiles and crosses his arms, waiting for me to go.

I take a few steps back and aim myself towards the the massive mountain of dead leaves. I take a deep breath and start running up. I jump into the leaves, flinging my body to get as deep into them as I could. When I land, I'm completely buried in the leaves. I get back on my feet and burst out of the pile to see Ty and my dad clapping for me.

"9" Dad rated me as I climb out and stand next to him waiting for Tyler to jump.

Tyler does his jump nearly identical to mine.

"Also 9. You guys are just too similar I can't tell the difference in those jumps." Dad chuckles patting Ty's back when he gets out of the pile.


Rosie: Thanks Mom. and Tyler and I keep in touch. We're both pretty busy so it's hard to hold conversations but we do have contact don't worry.

"Rosie, you need to go change." A crew member points past me to a trailer past all the cameras and computers.

I nod and put away my phone. I make my way through the set with my costume shoes getting stuck between every stone in the ground. I step into the trailer to see Peyton, our costume person taking another dress off of the rack of steam punk themed clothes for this movie.

"Hey, sugar, put this on." She hands me the dress and I untie the top that was basically a corset and let my abdomen relax as I strip off the white blouse and striped leggings. I pull on the dark green dress and turn around for Peyton to zip up the back so it fit tightly around me and not giving me much flexibility.

"Sit. They're going to need you out there soon. We still need to do hair and makeup so I gotta be choppy. That means no messing around. Got me?" Peyton says firmly. I nod and sit in front of the mirror for her to start on my hair. My phone buzzes with a message from the one and only Tyler Joseph texting me.


Rosie: What's up?


Rosie: That's incredible! We'll have to meet up I haven't seen you in forever.

Tiller: Yeah. What's it been? 8 months?

Rosie: Send me the tour dates. I gtg. filming.

Tiller: Will do. Talk later Ro. Love ya.

Rosie: 💕 Love you.


"That's a wrap! Congratulations guys! We're done! This thing should be out in the summer!The director celebrates. We all whoop and cheer.

I go home and skip the cast party. I really shouldn't do that being the star of the movie but hey, I deserve to go home and rest. I've been going home completely worn out and exhausted for the past couple months. Not many days off.

I drop myself on my bed ready to take a nap, but I pull out my phone first. A message from Tyler and a few twitter things are on my lock screen. I pull up the text.

TyJo: Here are the dates. Tell me when you're free.

There's a picture that says Save Rock And Roll Tour at the top with a bunch of dates underneath it.

Rosie: Cool. We finished filming for the movie today. Should be out around half way through your tour. Hopefully I won't be too busy with publicity stuff for it for us to meet up. I'll tell you when I get my agenda for then. It's only January now anyway.

TyJo: Alright and I can't wait to see you on the big screen!

Rosie: Gonna nap now. I'm exhausted. Talk later.

TyJo: Sleep well Rosie. You deserve a good nap. Love you💕

I look at the text he sends and lock my phone before curling up into the blankets and sinking into the bed, almost immediately falling asleep.

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