21-We Can Live Like Jack And Sally If We Want

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I Miss You by Blink-182


It's getting cold. Meaning even with the heater on, I still get chills at night. There's no spare bedroom in this house and Tyler being himself, always insists that I just sleep next to him. Then me being myself, I always agree.

We all know that I only come to the middle of the bed if it's cold. So lately, I've been enjoying sleeping with my main hoe all cuddled up next to me. Actually Tyler's anything but a hoe. But he's still my main hoe. So the term bros before hoes doesn't apply to him because he's practically both.

There's one thing I don't understand though. How the hell does he sleep shirtless when it's so cold? Like I can literally see him shivering until I come to the middle and he uses my torso like a pillow to cover his chest. What a weird kid.

Hah Josh would go insane if he knew that. Actually a lot of their fans would too.

Anyway, my hoe is currently out shopping for Christmas gifts which is something I can't be there for apparently so I'm free to do whatever I please in his house. I could egg his front door, start a riot, hold a house party, invite his parents over to have lunch without him, go through his computer files, etc.

But I'm a nice person so I'll ask permission.

Rosie: can I egg your front door?

Tiller: id rather you not

Rosie: Can I start a riot?

Tiller: about what

Rosie: marriage equality to animals

Tiller: wait for me then

Rosie: okay then can I trash your house with college kids

Tiller: No

Rosie: have your parents over for lunch without you?

Tiller: I mean if you really want to

Rosie: go through your computer files?

Tiller: actually there is something specific I wanted to show you. Maybe you could look at it now so I don't die of embarrassment if I'm there when it happens??

Rosie: I will gladly

Tyler: okay so It's in the audio files. There should be a folder called 'BF'. Listen to stuff in there.

Rosie: okay. Come home soon I'm lonely.

Tyler: will do. Love you

Rosie: love ya for ya booty

I open up his laptop and guess that password that he uses for literally everything. Except for Twitter. I can never figure that one out.

Once I get to the BF file, I see a list of titles

Mr. Misty Eyed (?)
Tear In My Heart
Stay In Your Lane (?)
The Judge
Stressed Out
Not Today

I click randomly on the 3rd one and a rough demo of a song starts to play. It turns out to be pretty short, so I'm expecting that he'll add more instrumental parts.

After listening to that and the 1st one, I click on Tear In My Heart.

I listen to the lyrics closely and quickly realize I had heard it before. From the morning my mom told me.

"You fell asleep in my car I drove the whole time but that's okay I'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine. I'm driving here I sit cursing my government for not using my taxes to fill holes with more cement."

-17 years old-
I laid my head on the door of the car, half asleep. On the radio, When I Come Around by Green Day playing just above a hum. Tyler sat in the driver's seat, focused on driving home. We had taken a drive to anywhere we could find and it was time to go home. Both our phones had died and our parents were probably worried sick. They're also probably going to kill us when we get home.

Hopefully for now, they can just remember that Tyler and I look out for one another and wouldn't ever let each other get hurt so we're safe.

Anyway, I felt the car jerk under me as we hit a pothole.

"Shit. I hope that didn't wake you up. Sorry Ro. I'm trying to be careful. I'd feel horrible if I woke you up." Tyler mumbles, thinking that I'm sleeping. A few moments later, we hit another one, bigger this time.

"What the fuck do we pay taxes for? Can't the government fill the holes with some damn cement or whatever?" Tyler sighs and I feel him rest his hand over mine, rubbing the skin on my knuckles. He knows small actions like that help me sleep.

And another pothole.

"What the fuck, government? It'll be your fault if if the best girl in the world, who happens to be sitting in my car, wakes up." he stays quiet while he curses the country, but eventually just settles for holding my hand, keeping it warm.

For the rest of the ride home, he hits little to no more holes and I really do fall asleep.

I smile at the memory, remembering the random places we stopped and the pissed parents in the end vividly. The song brought me to tears. What am I going to do with this boy?

Even though I had heard the song before, hearing it in its entirety was breathtaking.

Rosie: I love you

Tyler: i love you too but what did I do

Rosie: Tear In My Heart

Tyler: right. Ok.

Rosie: I really really love you a lot

Tyler: i know but I still love you more

Tyler: don't argue

Rosie: wasn't planning on it. I think I can accept that now.

"BABE, I'M HOME!" Tyler yells from the front door a couple hours later.

I rush out to find him as he's taking off his jacket and immediately jump on him. Since I caught him by surprise, I knocked him over but I didn't care and I knew he didn't either.

"What's got you so in love?" he laughs and holds me tight anyway.




Woo cheesy ending for you softies out there. Anyway I'm starting to not feel as motivated for this book as much as I did. It just seems like something I'm not as proud of. I'm not gonna discontinue it because I really do love this book a lot and I get so thrilled when I see someone voting or commenting or even just the amount of reads go up, but maybe the chapters aren't gonna be as good anymore. I don't know. We'll see.

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