18-Baby We Built This House On Memories

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House Of Memories by Panic! At The Disco


"Rosie can I ask you something?" Josh talks over the humming of the plane from his seat next to mine.

"Of course!" I smiled at him.

"Why Mason? And no this doesn't have to do with my Carseph obsession. I just don't get it. He really doesn't seem your type."He asks with a confused and slightly sad look written on his face.

"Honestly, Josh, I don't know. I really don't know. But I'm intrigued. What do you think my type is?"

"I know I said it didn't have to do with it but It's really the only way to answer the question. I think your type is everything Tyler has."

"Fair enough."

"Anyway, to more important matters. When are we going to dye our hair green? I have had my hair the same color for too long!" he changes the subject fluidly.

"Well, I did bring the dye you gave me. And I am getting sick of my blue..." I smirk at him and he gets visibly excited.

"Can we do it when I get back from Cleveland?" he jumps up in his seat.

I nod calmly and he claps his hands a little bit and pumps his fists. I laugh and put in my headphones, turning on my phone and flipping through my music before hitting play on Too Weird to Live, Too Rare To Die.


Rosie: Help me I'm about to see him we just landed.

Brendon: Hey relax. The fact that he agreed to pick you up shows that he still loves you and isn't mad at you

Rosie: yea okay but I still feel so guilty! I've been lying and hurting him for months now! I hate hurting him. I hate being forced to hurt him. It was one thing to lie to him about it over text but it's another to lie to his face.

Brendon: you're about to cry. Aren't you?

Rosie: yeah

I walk behind Josh with my suitcase in tow, navigating our way through the airport. I see a call from Brendon come in.

"Hey." I mumble.

"Look, you have to tell him. Fuck whatever your manager says she's an asshole for making you do this. And even more of one for putting you with an abusive asshole that Mason is." he fires immediately.

"How did yo-" I'm cut off.

"I noticed yesterday. When you came over. When we were playing video games and I high-fived you. I could see the bruises on your wrists and when you hugged me goodbye I saw them on the back of your neck too. I'm sorry I didn't notice before. But why didn't you tell me?" he sounds slightly hurt.

At this point, I am crying. I silently tell Josh to go on without me and he doesn't push. He simply gives me a tight, loving hug and a tells me goodbye.

"He threatened me. I'm sorry, Brendon. I should've said something anyway. Did you tell Sarah?" I sigh.

"No, but I'm about to hunt down your manager and cuss her out until she gives you your life back." he growls with anger.

"I'm okay with that actually. But anyway, I will tell Tyler. My career isn't more important than him. You're too good to me, Bren. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright. Be safe. Bye." he hangs up. I take a deep breath and carry on to where Tyler was waiting. I expect Josh had already left with his family and told Ty about where I am and why I wasn't with him. I wanted to talk to Josh's family a little bit but I suppose it could wait.

I scan the crowd of people for my beloved piano playing boy. I spot him halfway across the room. I could tell he was also looking for me because he was looking right at me when I found him. I started to shuffle past families going on vacation, reuniting couples, and lone travelers coming home.

As an instinct, I hug Tyler immediately. He takes a moment to respond and hug back though. That half a second alone is enough to shatter my heart. I start crying again, being the sensitive person I am.

"I'm sorry." I manage to say.

"For what?"

"Breaking our heart." I don't think twice about referring to our hearts as the same one.

He doesn't say anything.


The silence starts becoming to loud until Tyler sighs deeply and just rubs circles on my back in a comforting manner. He understands that this hurts me as much as it does him.

"It know it wasn't on purpose. I just don't get how that was an accident." he pulls away from me and speaks up. I take a deep breath and think about my wording before speaking.

"Look, Tyler, there's a lot I need to tell you. Can we just go home first? I-I just need a little bit more to think about how to tell you these things."

"Yeah. I kinda think I need to prepare myself for this." he puts a protective arm around my shoulders and leads me to his parked car. I put my baggage in the back and hop into the passenger seat.

As we head home, Tyler doesn't put any music on which is unusual for him but I suppose that I'd made him nervous and he's preoccupied. Knowing him, he's probably over thinking everything so I do him the favor of switching on the radio for him. I can't let him get to worked up.

When we were about halfway there, Tyler breaks the silence over the music.

"Are you sure you want to stay at your mom's?" he's concerned for me. He knows that my mom and I don't particularly get along well. Ever since her son and husband died, she's been bitter to me and sometimes just plain mean. Occasionally though, she'd go through old photo albums, seeing that us all as a family and then she would lighten up for a week or two.

"I don't really want to, but I know I need to. At least for a little while." I sigh and smile sadly at him.

"Well my place is always open to you. I'll admit I've been pretty lonely since I moved out. Tell you what. I'll stay at my parent's for however long you're with your mom so you'll always have your super cool neighbor's son to keep you company!" his mood shifts completely and I smile brightly at the change.

"Sounds good to me!"


"Mom? I'm home!" I yell through the house, shoving my keys back into my pocket.

"Roseline? I'm coming." I can hear her quiet voice approaching down the stairs. Slowly but surely, I see her light brown hair and aging face. She still looks so young. She is still really young. To me at least.

"Hi Mom. I missed you." I hug her as gently as I can.

"I missed you too, sweetie. There's some lasagna in the fridge if you're hungry but I apologize. I know you just got home, but I had work today so I am tired. I hope you don't mind I'm going to bed so early but uh. I'll see you in the morning I suppose." her voice is as soft as ever.

"That's alright. Goodnight!" I tell her as she begins retreating back upstairs.

"Night, Rosie."



Okay so I'm back. I might make this a every other week thing. I still want to have a schedule because I know that if I don't, it'll never be updated, but I've just been falling behind on my writing and just not giving it my best. I promise, it's not the story that's doing this. I won't discontinue or put it on hold or anything. I've just been in my own mind lately.

Peace out until next Saturday or the next.

~Dodga <3

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