14-In A World Uncertain, Say You'll Be My Stone

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Stone by Alessia Cara


Call from Cassie

I accept it and put the phone to my ear.

"Rosie. I need to talk to you. This is very important so I hope you're listening and I suggest you do this in a room alone." Cassie's voice comes through urgently.

"Oh um. Okay what's going on?"

"The press is not liking you very much. Nobody is talking about you! You're gonna need a major publicity stunt. You know what hollywood loves?"


"Romance! We're going to get you romance!" She says too excitedly.

"What do you mean?" I reply, concerned.

"I've found you a fake boyfriend!"

"WHAT?" I scream, thankful that nobody was in the bus.

"Yes! He's actually a music producer called Mason! He's very nice I'm sure you'll like him!"

"Am I allowed to tell anyone he's fake?"

"Of course not! That would ruin it!"

"Not even Tyler?"

"Nope!" Why is she so happy about this? "Anyway, since tonight's the last show, he's coming to see you when you get home tomorrow."

"Wait! No Cassie! This is all wrong! You can't do this to me! I-I want to be with Tyler..." I drift off at the end.

"Look Rosie. I thought about it and Tyler just doesn't have enough popularity for this whole romance stunt to work."

"No Cassie! I don't want him for the stunt I want him for him!" I yell into the phone.

"No. Rosie you can't. Don't forget that I could send your career down into the drain along with all your wealth in a matter of minutes. Now stop arguing!" she snaps.

"How long is this for?" I whisper timidly.

"At least until December. Anymore questions?" she says, irritated.

"Can't I tell one person?"

"Fine," she sighs "but it can not be Tyler or Josh."

"Thank you." I don't see why not them, but I don't try to argue anymore.

"Put your acting skills to the test. Goodbye, Roseline." she hangs up.

I fall back onto the couch and rub my temples. I don't know who I could possibly trust with this secret if it's not Ty or Josh. I guess there is one person that could do it. Maybe. He's been nothing but good to me. I guess I don't really have a choice.

I sigh and change from Tyler's boxers to the leathery pants from Brendon and heading out to the building.

"Hey Rosie. You look upset. Something up?" Kenny and Joe are outside the door and they greet me before I enter.

"You'll meet the problem later. Don't worry about it. " I brush them off and I head inside to find the person I'm looking for.

I eventually find his band's dressing room and knock on the door.

"Come in!" I hear him say. I enter and he's in there, alone and on his phone.

"Oh. Hey Rosie what's up?" He locks his screen and sets it next to him, obviously noting the serious look on my face.

"I need to talk to you about something." I inform him, gently sitting next to him.

"I'm all ears." He smiles reassuringly I sigh deeply and start.

"My manager, Cassie, is making me get a fake boyfriend. He's apparently gonna come meet me tomorrow and I'm not allowed to tell anybody that he's fake except for one person. Cassie said that it couldn't be Tyler or Josh so I guess you were my last hope," I start to cry and he pulls me to his arms to comfort me and rock me back and forth like Tyler does "The thing is, on my birthday, Tyler confessed that he's in love with me. And I did the same to him. Of course, I really want to be with Tyler rather than this random guy I've never even met. I just...I really am counting on you to be my rock here. And this is really...really scary for me. I've never relied on anyone but Tyler. Please. Don't let me down."

I sob into his shoulder and he continues to coo and rock me, trying to calm me down.

"Hey hey. Don't worry. It'll all be alright. Just make sure Tyler knows you love him. How long do you have to be with this fake guy?" he says softly and cautiously.


"Shh. Shh... Don't be scared. We can get through this. You and me. I'm not gonna let you down. And I can tell you, just by how Tyler acts with you, he's never going to give you up. He'll wait. I promise. You gotta be strong for him and for me alright?" he asks me sympathetically. He puts his thumbs under my eyes and wipes my tears gently before I shuffle around and hug him tightly.

"Yeah. I can do that. Thank you. So much, Brendon."

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And y'all thought that Brendon being her bff was just a joke


I reaaallly do appreciate all your votes and comments and such so thank you thank you thank youuu ily

~The REAL Brendon Urie

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