20-Wishy Washy We're Dying Joshy

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Lyrics at the end


Tyler took me to his house. I had never been here but it felt like home to me seeing all of his belongings scattered all around the place. He had done his best to keep my mind off of all the problems.

He took the news about my asshole of a fake boyfriend well. I didn't tell him all about Mason though. Not about the physical stuff he does to me. I can take care of myself and it's already enough that Brendon knows.

"Is Josh back yet?" I ask with my head on Tyler's lap, laying across the couch.

"I think so." he toyed with my hair, flipping a strand back and forth between his fingers.

"I want to dye my hair with him." I smile.

"Let's go then." he jumped up and pulled me out of my lazy position. I texted Josh and tugged on my shoes, quickly running to grab the dye from my birthday.

"Can we stop first though? I think I want to get some yellow too."

He nods and grabs his keys.


"This actually feels really nice." Josh practically moaned as I massaged the green slime into his hair.

"Yea and it looks awesome." I smiled at my masterpiece of a hairy green glob.

Tyler and Josh had both helped me put in the dye, making it slightly more yellow at the ends and darker at the roots.

"Tyler!" Josh called out from the bathroom. Tyler had ditched us to help Josh's sister, Ashley, make cookies.

"I'm busy!" I heard him yell back.

"Doing what?"

"Someone's gotta eat this left over cookie dough." at that, I ditched Josh too and ran for the kitchen, careful not to whip my head around fast enough for my hair to stain something.

"You asshole, give me some!" I reach over Ty's shoulder and take his spoon from him, scraping the sides of the bowl in his lap and eating it clean off of the metal.

"Wow. Rude much? Now how long before washing it out?"

"40 more minutes. An hour for Josh."

"Okay." he bites his lip and stares at his lap. I could tell he was thinking of the unresolved tension between us about Mason and my mother.

"Hey don't worry about it. We can work it all out when we get back. I just want to take a moment to relax okay? If you want we can go back as soon as I wash this out." I comfort the brown eyed boy and hug around his neck from behind, resting my chin on his shoulders.

With a quick kiss on his stubbly cheek, I detach myself and go to the kitchen. Josh's sister is sitting on the counter, doing something on her phone when I walk in.

"Hi, Ashley! Been a while." I smile and give her a hug.

"It really has been. Did I miss anything important since I last saw you? I know you got a boyfriend." she tucks her phone away and gives me her attention.

"Well actually a lot happened. That boyfriend is an asshole and not actually my boyfriend, I became super close with Brendon Urie and his wife, she taught me the secrets to the best grilled cheese in the world, and last but not least, Tyler and I had a small falling out." I don't really see the point in hiding anything anymore.

"Woah. Okay I have questions. How was this all kept from media? Why did you and Tyler fall out? How did the Uries become your second set of besties? And what are the secrets to grilled cheese?!"

"Okay uh. My manager planned it all. I'll tell you later. Because that asshole manager let me tell one person about Mason which was Brendon who told Sarah. And I that is classified." I answer her questions within a couple breaths. She decides not to push any more and conveniently, the oven dings, saving us from silence.

Ashley slides off of the counter and shoves an oven mitt onto her hand. Cautiously, she takes the fresh cookies out from the oven.

“I call first cookie!” Josh whipped around the corner, stubbing his toe on the door frame.

“Ow ow ow.” He held his toe and all of us busted in a fit of laughter.

“Not cool guys, not cool.” He sat on a bar stool and bit into the cookie that was still really hot.

After waiting a few minutes for the cookies to cool, Tyler, Ashley and I ate the cookies along side Josh.

“How do 3 people, eat a whole batch of cookies?” I rested my head in my hand.

“I have no clue, but I think it's time we wash out the dye in our hair.” But we did save a batch for our beloved author who you should follow immediately.

“Should we wash it out in the kitchen sink? I’m too lazy to get up.” Josh pulled off his shower cap.

“That's a great idea.” We stood in front of the sink, and let the warm water run.

“Who goes first you or me?” Josh looked over at me.

“I want to go first!” Before he could protest my head was under the running water.

When all of the excess dye was off, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my head to dry my hair.

While Josh was washing his hair, mine dried and I let it fall.

“It's like a beautiful grass field!” Exclaimed Tyler as he twisted and pulled my hair in different directions.

“Thanks dude. That was my goal. Now I can bring all cows to my yard.” I shrugged.

“Wishy washy were dying Joshy. Hey I made a song!”



Hello people of the internet I'm Bri and I wrote a bit of this chapter. You should totally give me a follow because I'm a shameful self promoter. inevitablytumblrrr is my account, thanks.

Other a/n.

Huge Thank you to Bri for helping me finish this chapter. Anyway I actually did write a song so I could title this chapter what I did. Here's the lyrics.


Wishy Washy we're dying Joshy

When Carseph’s Dun with him, he'll look so poshy.

Wishy washy we're dying Joshy

It looks like grass in the morning. Oh So frosty.

Wishy Washy we're dying Joshy

like Ashley’s salads, his hair’s all tossed-y.

Wishy washy we're dying Joshy

Green green green greeny green green.

Wishy washy. Wishy Joshy.

Jishy washy. Wishy washy.

Wishy washy we're dun dying joshy.

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