19-Run Away With Me

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Somewhere In Neverland by All Time Low

"Morning." I smile at my mother as I see her sipping on coffee on the brown leather couch.

"Good morning, Rosie. Listen. There's something I really need to tell you. I know it's kind of early to do this but I can't wait any longer." she smiles sadly. I sit down next to her and furrow my eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" I say, sweeping my messy hair out of my face. She sighs and looks away from me.

"So you know sometimes I go on little drinking binges, right?" I can see tears in her eyes. My mind is flustered, trying to think of what she'll say before it leaves her mouth. I just nod and begin to feel my own hot tears.

"Well, back in October, I went on one. Usually I would just drink at home you know? But this time I went out to a bar. I was completely wasted and I met this guy a-and I just-" she starts to cry hard, her blue eyes clouded over with salty water. I went and hugged her, trying to calm her down. It was hard to comfort her though when I didn't know why I was. She sort of just sobbed excessively for a couple minutes before catching her breath.

"Rosie, I have AIDS."

Just that little mumble would sound like gibberish to others but to me it was clear as day. Those three words seemed to be powerful enough to spin the world around me. I'm pretty sure they were strangling me considering I was struggling to breathe.

"No! No! Why? No!" I shouted repeatedly and I couldn't make out a word she said. I ran up all the way to my old room and locked myself in there. I continued to scream and sob while sitting against my door.


I thank my mother for her always amazing breakfast and head back up to my room to grab my phone. When I open the door I hear screaming and crying coming from out of the window.

Obviously concerned, I look out and see only a couple meters away, Rosie's room. And just a couple more meters past the window, Rosie. She's sitting on the floor with hee head in her hands and immediately I know she needs help.

I open my window and climb out onto the tree between our homes and over to her window. I tap on it just loud enough for her to hear over herself.

When she looks up, I can feel my heart being shot with sadness. Her eyes were big and red with a haze of tears over them and he cheeks appeared to be weighed down by the layers of dried water on them.

She gets up and when she reached her arms up to open the window, I see her hands shaking and her body trembling.

In a matter of seconds, I'm in her room and holding her in the tightest, safest, warmest hug I could give. I held her head to my chest and stroked the faded blue on the ends of her hair. I guided her to her bed to sit down but never let her go.

Moving smoothly and swiftly, I let her go into her fetal position again and I put my legs around her and continued to let her lean on me and sob into my shirt.

Eventually her tears slow down and her breathing is more steady, still shaking with every deep intake though. Her body is still quivering and she's switched from staining my shirt to hugging it and the body inside of it. With the smallest, most fragile voice I've ever heard, she croaks out just one word,"Sing?"

With no second thought needed, I start singing a song I had written for her a while ago. Right when she left to go to Los Angeles.

"Sometimes you gotta bleed to know that you're alive and have a soul. And it takes someone to come around to show you how she's a tear in my heart." of course, she could tell it was about her so she listened to me intently.

I sang the still drafted song to her and her breaths finally became normal again with only a hitch every few moments. Usually she would've fallen asleep by now, but it was still the morning and I suspect she still had energy.

"Tyler, that was beautiful." her sweet voice was nothing more than a whisper but it seemed to be the loudest thing to me.

"Thank you. Do you want to tell me what happened?" I try not to pry but my tone sounds slightly pushy.

"Everything just built up into this huge ball of stress and then my mom said something and I just fell apart. Oh my god, Tyler I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." she seemed to run out of tears but she still sounded like she was crying.

"Hey it's alright. Can you start from the beginning?"

"Y-yeah," she sighs "it's time for me to come clean."

She told me everything. Everything from the littlest detail of endlessly staring at pictures of us to the biggest moment of crying everything out to Brendon. I admit I was a little bit jealous that Brendon had gotten so close, but I know better than to bring it up. I understand that was the best choice for her. Finishing her emotional story she said, "and then just earlier, my m-mom. She told me s-she has AIDS."

She broke down again, somehow managing to make more tears. As much as I wanted to try and fix everything for her as fast as I could, I felt that taking it slow is what she needs. The most I could do now, is hug her and try to make her feel safe and at home. As selfish as it sounds, I know that she considers me as her home. I can't let her down.

"Tyler, can we run away?"

"As you wish, babe."






All Time Low is great

Anyway, sorry for being the WORST at updating. School's first quarter just ended and my goal is to actually try and do my work so hopefully not stressing about procrastination and missing assignments will help me clear up some writer's block and I can get more chapters out.

Also also, happy November! Hope Halloween was fantastic for y'all. My costume was apma 2014 Brendon Urie.

~Brendon but with a vagina

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