Chapter 6: The Fight And Debbie

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*Ashely's Pov*

I stood there frozen. I cant believe what Niall is doing? Why? More blood came out from Tyler. I heard a loud pop! I snap outta my thoughts and ran to John. I felt tears forming. "John Please stop them please." I begged and felt a single tear running down my cheeks. I quickly wiped it off and ran towards Niall agian. Tyler is on the ground bleeding. The manger rushed over to help him. And John is holding Niall back. Terror and fear hits his eyes.

Niall's knuckles were all brused and bloody. I grabbed my phome from my pockets and called Liam. "Hello?" Liam said from the other end of the phone. "Liam its Ashely come to Nandos Hurry please!" i shuttered. "Ashely is everything okay?" He asked nervously. "Niall just got into a fight Please hurry." I said. He told me he is on the way. Just when i hung up 4 cops walked into the resturant. Someone must had called the cops. "I did." A lady in her mid-age said. "What is going on ma'ma?" One of them asked. "There was a fight and a boy there." She pointed at Tyler. "He is in critical conditions." The man looked over to Niall. He hand cuffed him. No this cant be happening! "Exuse me miss. Can you tell me what happen that man there told me you were with them." He said holding out his note pad. "Yes. Me and that guy right there." I pointed at Niall. "We were having dinner. and that guy came over and started messing with us. Niall didnt do anything wrong he was just-" I was cutted off by Liam and the 3 other boys. There expression was shocked. "Ashely!" Liam yelled.

"Liam!" I yelled back running towards him hiding my face in his chest. Tears ran down my cheeks and his t-shirt got wet. " L-Liam." I Shuttered. "Its going to be okay Ash." He said rubbing my back. Trying to relax me. And it actually worked. "Lets get you home." Louis said. "W-What about Niall?" I sniffled. "He'll be okay love. Trust me i take to one of the polices and he told me Niall is going to be okay." Zayn said. I gived him a little smile.

They 4 boys led me outside to the car. I couldnt help but notice Niall. What if Zayn was lying to me? Niall might go to jail? It all my fault! "C'mon love." Harry said pushing me into the back seat.


When we got back to the flat. I noticed a girl with wavy hazel hair sitting on the couch. Is that Daniella?? "That's Debbie." Louis whipered into my ears. Its like he could read my mine. Who is debbie?? "She's Niall's Girlfriend." He whisper to me again. My heart broke into millions of tiny little pieces. When i heard the word 'Girlfriend' coming out of Louis mouth.

"Oh." Was all i could say. I gluped and walked closer to the couch. "Uhm. Debbie?" Liam said. Debbie suddenly jump in terror. "Liam dont scare me like that!" She sherik. "Sorry." Was all he said and walking towards the kitchen. "Debbie this is Ashely and Ashely this is Debbie." Louis said pointing at me and debbie. The room is feels akward i quickly ran up stairs after i said hi. I ran to Niall's room to get my bag. I knocked on Harry's door. "Ashely?" Harry asked confused. "Sorry to bother you harry..." I said rubbing my arm akwardly. "Is there a extra room i can stay in?" I looked up at him hoping he says yes. There have to be a extra room. There are like millions of doors here. "Uhm.. Ashely you can stay with me. I mean if you want." He said rubbing back of his neck.

I dont want to say no but i just dont know. "Okay." I said. His smile grew larger. He open the door for me to come in. I put my bag on his chair. "Im gonna go downstair to get something to eat." I told him walking out of the room. I walked downstairs and Debbie wasnt there. Reliefs shot through me. I made some popcorn to eat and grabbed a drink. I walked back upstair until i hit someone. I fell to the ground and so did the other person. "Ooww!" She groan. Oh No! "Are you okay?" I said reaching over to help her up but she jerke her arms away. "What the fuck are you doing? You dont belong here!" She snapped. She got up from the ground. Fire flares in her eyes. "I-I was just getting something to eat." I shuttered. "No! I meant why are you here!?!" What am i going to tell here? I came back in time? "She's my girlfriend." I heard someone said behind me. Harry. My jaw dropped and relif hits me.

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