Chapter 13

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"Ashely Wake Up." Someone said shaking me. I tried opening my eyes but i fail. Man! I was tried. "Ashely." Someone said again this time shaking me harder. i tried to ignore the person. I listen closer making sure the person had left. After about 10 minutes of quitness i went back to sleep.

Niall's POV

"Ashely Wake up." I said shaking her lightly. I waited a minute to wake her up again. "Ashely." I said shaking her a little bit more harder. She groaned and shoved my hand "Ashely its time to leave." I said. She slowly sat up and crossed her arms. "What?" She asked irritatted. "John left and ask me to take you home." I told her. She got and stared at me. "He left?" She asked. "Yeah he seem tired so i told him to go home and I take you home after the concert." I explained to her. "Oh Okay." She straighten her shirt and started walking. "Where are you gong?" I asked her. "You sai dyou taking me home right?" I nodded. "C'mon then." She said waving her hands for me to come over.

The lads left and it was the crews, Me, and Ashely left in the arena. I led her to my car. I asked her where she's staying and she told me she staying at the nearest hotel. I nodded and started the engine. There were a akward silence between me and Ashely and I dont like it. "Ashely?" I said starttling her just a little. she turned her head and faced me. "Yes Ni.?" She asked. "I just wanted you to know im not mad at you I Love you." Oh shit did i just said what i think i said? Dam it. I looked at her. She was staring at me in shock. "You really do?" She asked smiling. What am I going to say. She might not feel the same.

"I-I Umm. I only love you as a friend." I Lied. Her beautiful smiled faded.

Ashely's POV

"I Just wanted you to know im not mad at you I Love You." Niall said. I stared at him in shock. Oh My GOsh! Does he really feel the same? A smile grew on my face. I must look like a creeper but oh well. "You really do?" I asked hoping its a yes. I really love him. I hope he does. "I-I Ummmm. I only love you as a friend." He said. My smiled faded away. Making me frown. I tried my best to make it unnoticeable. I guess he doent really like me like i love him. i turned around and stared out of the window trying to make it not akward.

 "Will you come back and stay at my flat instead?" He asked breaking the silence again. Oh Shit. Should i? I mean i want to but I cause him to much trouble. Maybe i shouldnt. Yes Ashely stay. No Ash dont go with him. Yes go. It felt like my head is constanly fighting about what i should do. "Sure." I said. Wait what! I just said yes to him. Oh gosh. He parked in the parking lot of the hotel and follow me up to my room.

It didnt feel so scary standing in the elevator since Niall is with me. I feel so save with him. Gosh imma miss him when i go back to my time. We walked down the long hallway that seems like forever. I unlocked the door and went inside. I grabbed my bag off the floor. All i had was my bag with me. So it wasnt that much packing. Actually theres no packing. "Lets go." I said walking towards the door. We went throught the same routine. Go into the elevator. Go down the elevator. I had to return the keys so I went to the front desk. "Hey Carlos." I said to the guy standing behind the desk. He was wearing his usual. A tux, black pants. He looked up from his papers. "Hey Ashely." He said happily. I handed him the keys. "Here you go." I said. "Your leaving?" He asked sadliy. His face formed a puppy face. "Yeah Im sorry." I ripped a piece of paper on the desk. I grabbed the pen and scribbled my phone number onto it. "Here. Heres my number." I said handing him the paper with my number written on it. "Call me soon." Carlos said." Me and Carlos said our goodbyes. Then Me and Niall walked back outside to his car.

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