Chapter 4

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"Auntie, you've got to be joking!" I rolled my eyes.

"You know I only joke with the Potter boy," Bel-Mother said,"Now go!"

"But..., okay, B-Mother..."

"Just go!" I ran into the Great Hall. I already knew that Hogwarts was going to be partially destroyed, maybe even completely destroyed. Everything would probably be lost to this war. I found the messy black hair, the thin body, the lightning bolt shaped scar, the bright green eyes that Severus always adored, and those perfectly round glasses staring at me.

"I never thought Snape would...would just kill Dumbledore. He saved me from Quirrell in our first year, didn't he? Was it really him?" Harry choked. He was always close to Dumbledore unlike his best pal, Weasley and I.

I nodded, "He does seem like the type, but I think he's not even Death Eater worthy."

"Attending the funeral?"

"No, Harry. My mother, Bellatrix, would never let me. She is totally in love with Voldemort."

"You aren't a Malfoy?"

"She told me, like, just now. By the way, I'm serving a surprise for you."

Potter smiled, "Go ahead, Sapphire, what is it? The Dudleys hardly give me any surprises."

"Well, I'm sorry, really. But he told me to. The Dark Lord. I killed Missy. I'm a Death Eater. The best they got. Anyways, I don't trust Severus Snape," I say casually. I try my best to not talk in a shaking voice.

"You're joking, aren't you?" Harry Potter asked.

"Harry Potter, no one jokes in a time like this. Except for the Weasley twins," I said knowingly.

"Expelliarmus!" he pointed his wand at me. I waved my hand over to block the disarming charm.

"I'll let you go this time. Remember, next time, my master will capture you."

"How did you do that?"

"What, Potter?" I said in a bored voice. It reminded me so much of Severus Snape, that I shuttered slightly. I apparated away.


I apparated to the porch of Malfoy Manor. The golden silk was draped over the windows. Draco, my cousin, was already standing there, looking at the beautiful sky. Wiltshire, England was such a beautiful place to live. There was great scenery as well. The sun was just trickling down the horizon, making a purplish color in sky.

"Sapphire?" he asked. His grey eyes were staring at the horizon.

"Draco. I can't believe I went through all these years thinking you were my twin brother..." He wasn't surprised at all. Not even a bit.

"You're the only one with curly, dark hair. Sapphire, I'm sorry I kept it as a secret from you all these years; Mother said it was for the best. You're two months younger than me. Two months apart isn't much, so Mother passed us as twins," Draco said shrugging.

I stared into the horizon. I saw a spiralling shape, Professor Lupin, my blood-related cousin, Nymphadora Tonks, and Fred Weasley thrown inside. Seconds later, it was gone. I knew immediately what it was telling me. They were going to die sooner or later.

I only could know who died on my enemies' side. It would hurt my heart knowing someone I love will die, and I could do nothing to save them. I told Draco and he nodded.

"Do you think he'll be furious with me?"

"No, I'll cover up for you if he will be. I promise."

"I can't kill, Sapphire, it sickens me," he whispered. Normally, I would've told the Dark Lord immediately, but I didn't want to this time. I don't know why. Maybe it's because he's my cousin.

"Your father was like that too, right?" He nodded, waved goodbye and left.


I made it into the living room of the enormous house. I greeted my childhood 'mother' sitting on the love-seat. I sat down beside her. Our new house elf, Winky brought us tea. Winky used to be Mr.Crouch's house elf, but was freed. She loved working, so during my fifth year, I asked her to work here. She was delighted to find new masters.

"Did she tell you...?" Cissy said softly. She took a seat next to me.

"Yes, Cissy. I don't understand why you had to lie to me all these years. I know my mother was in Azkaban, but couldn't you have at least told me when she got out? Don't you think I deserve to know?" I yelled in frustration.

"Oh, Sapphire, we didn't like the fact that you would have to quickly adapt to the fact. We wanted it to be at the right time. She would be a stranger to you. Bella agreed for your last name to be changed to Malfoy, because she knew you would be living with us," Cissy explained. She didn't react to my yelling, as if she expected it.

I nodded. I understood. "Auntie, I'm sorry for screaming at you."


The Dark Lord asked for me again. I had done my mission already. There can't be anything else to tell him. We sat on chairs across from each other in an empty room in the Malfoy Manor.

"Sapphire, I hope the Malfoys have been treating you well, Bellatrix told you she's your mother, right?" said the Dark Lord. His snake-like figure was wanting me to speak in Parseltongue.

"Yes," I quickly answered,"My Lord..."

"I care about you," I heard him mutter under his breath.


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