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Anaïs' (Ana-EEs)  POV

"And that was Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots." The radio host announces before I shut my car off. "They have way better songs." I mumble to my self. "Stop talking to yourself, that's weird. You can't do that in there," I look out my windshield at the stone house. "You're just nervous, it'll be fine. Okay. Really you gotta stop doing this."  Sighing, I shake my head and run my fingers through my hair.

I reach for my phone to recheck the text messages.


Joe: Hello! My name is Joe, and I saw you responded to our ad for a full time video editor. I was wondering if you were still interested in that position?

Anaïs: Hi! Yes, I definitely am.

Joe: Great! Would you mind coming to our HQ for a small interview? Nothing serious, you already told us most of what we needed, just a formality.

Anaïs: Of course. Just let me know when. Thank you so much :)

Joe: No problem! Is 4 today good for you?

Anaïs: Yes that's perfect! I'll see you then.


I look over at my dash board. 3:57. 

I could just sit here for a couple minutes. But what if they look outside and see me just sitting here. Oh God what if they've already seen me? I'm not gonna get this job. They're going to think I'm weird. Oh my God Ana just shut up and go.

I open my car door and pull my oxygen tank behind me. Calmly, I walk towards the steps and knock on the door. I can hear dogs barking and heavy footsteps coming towards me.

The door swings open and a taller guy with a baby face greets me in what looks to be his pajamas. A stained white tee shirt and plaid boxers.

"Ah, c-can I help you?" He stammers, and looks directly at my nasal cannula.

"I'm Anaïs Clemons. I'm here about the editing job?"

"Fuck," he mutters under his breath, "Uh, yeah, come in. Sorry. Have a seat, I'll go get Joe or James or someone not me." He laughs nervously and almost trips going up the steps.

I sit down on the hideous faux cow hide couch which seems to be the only seat in the room I'm currently in.

I can hear loud but muffled voices coming from upstairs, "Dude why didn't you tell me she was coming today?! Look at me! I look like someone shit on a pillowcase!" The guy from earlier says.

"To be fair you look like that always." A different voice says casually. "Ouch! Ah okay, okay. Sorry." The voice laughs. Footsteps come closer to where I'm sitting, and then they're on the stairs.

I quickly fix my hair and straighten my top out even though I know it's already straight.

A man emerges from the stair way and walks towards me, with his arm extended.

"Hi I'm Joe. We spoke earlier." He smiles at me as I stand and shake his hand. He too glances at my cannula but only briefly. "And that was Trevor, the one who opened the door for you."

"I'm Anaïs, but you already know that." I laugh awkwardly. "But you can call me Ana."

He pulls a foot rest closer to the couch and sits, motioning for me to sit back down on the couch.

"So, Ana. I'm assuming you have some basic knowledge of most editorial programs and editing in general since you applied."

"Yeah, I took basic editing skills in high school and and a little in college before I dropped out."

"Do you mind if I ask why you dropped out?"

"I was officially diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. I planned on staying but it got really aggressive at the end of my freshman year of college. I just didn't want to waste my life on something I wasn't interested in."

"Oh, I'm really sorry. And is that why you have the Uh-"

I laugh a bit, "My cannula and tank? Yeah. They help me with breathing and living and stuff."

"Oh okay. I was just wondering. I'm sorry for bringing it up. Uh, I don't really have any more questions for you. As I said before you answered all of them on your application. Do you have any questions for me? I know you don't really know what we do here."

"You're a YouTube group right? A gaming group called Cow Chip? Or Chop? I'm sorry I didn't do much research."

"Yeah. We're called Cow Chop. Its like couch co-op. Couch co-op, Cow Chop. I didn't come up with it." He smiles, "We do gaming most of the time but we also do skits and just random videos. Things like that. Oh, another quick question. Are you comfortable showing your face on camera? If not that's totally fine, I just wanted to make sure."

"I don't see a problem with it. But I'm kind of boring."

"Nothing is boring around here I can assure you of that. You'll probably just help with recording and editing for right now. Nothing serious." He smiles at me. He seems extremely happy and cheerful. "Well now that Ive determined that you are qualified and normal, I can introduce you to everyone."

"Great. But uhm, does this mean I got the job?" He stands and I follow.

"Yep. Welcome to Cow Chop Ana."

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*


What a cliche way to end my new story. Boy it sure is good to be back :)
Yeah if you haven't noticed I went on a pretty long hiatus...  Sorry about that. But I'm back with my first Cow Chop story which I am pretty hyped for. Plus it's summer break for me so I can actually write. Yay.
Thanks for reading! <3

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