AK47: { • } Online
Iforgotmyname: { • } OnlineAK47: Hey
Iforgotmyname: HeyAK47: omg we texted each other at the same time!
Iforgotmyname: You know why?
AK47: Cuz we're connected
Iforgotmyname: Cuz we're connectedIforgotmyname: OMG THAT IRON MAN REFERENCE THO!
AK47: Ok this is officially creepy.
Iforgotmyname: Heh.
AK47: You know what I realized?
Iforgotmyname: What
AK47: We don't know much about each other.
Iforgotmyname: Too true.
AK47: Lets play 20 questions
AK47: Except for that question ._.
Iforgotmyname: Ok... Do you go to Crossworth?
AK47: -.-
Iforgotmyname: Okkkk........ Do we go to the same school?
AK47: -______- How about I go first?
Iforgotmyname: Meh
AK47: NO SCHOOL QUESTIONS. Ok, 1st question... What kind of music do you listen to?
Iforgotmyname: Pop and Pop and more Pop.
AK47: I'm guessing you like pop.
Iforgotmyname: YESSSSSS. Beyoncé is my girl 💁🏽
AK47: Isn't that more like R&B?
Iforgotmyname: ... It's all the same to me.
AK47: Nice to see you're well-informed.
Iforgotmyname: Shut up. What about you?AK47: I'm pretty informed.
Iforgotmyname: ._. I meant what kind of music do you like.AK47: Nu metal, post-grunge, emo pop, hard rock.
Iforgotmyname: .... To me, that all falls under the category of rock.AK47: MERH. YOU NO SMART.
Iforgotmyname: So you're emo?AK47: Wat •_•
Iforgotmyname: Emo pop?AK47: That's just the name of the music. Just like pop music has nothing to do with the sound of popping.
Iforgotmyname: Ernest Shöll invented popcorn and also classified the first pop song as pop.AK47: ... Really?
Iforgotmyname: ... No.AK47: ...
Iforgotmyname: ...AK47: Your turn. Nothing related to school ._.
Iforgotmyname: Meh. Are you a Trump lover?AK47: Does Anakin Skywalker get to raise Luke and Leia with Padmé by his side?
Iforgotmyname: He didn't raise them period, with or without her.AK47: *facepalm* The simple answer is no. No I am not a Trump lover. Or liker.
Iforgotmyname: I'm not simple.AK47: No kidding. You're a handful.
Iforgotmyname: Good thing you have big hands.
AK47: Wth?
Iforgotmyname: You just seem like a guy with big hands.AK47: Ooook. Next question: what are your plans for the future?
Iforgotmyname: Ooh, nice q.Iforgotmyname: Ummmm
Iforgotmyname: Go to college, meet the love of my life, get married, and become a mom to torture my own kids with chores and stuff.AK47: Tesseract
Iforgotmyname: WhatAK47: You've already met the love of your life. A great percent of the world meet their soulmate by time they reach high school.
Iforgotmyname: I've read that somewhere.AK47: Therefore, I will take up the responsibility of adopting you as my wife, and our first child shall be named Thor.
Iforgotmyname: THAT escalated quickly.{AK47 is now offline.}
Iforgotmyname: Ughhhh
Iforgotmyname: You crazyyyyyyyy
Iforgotmyname: We're not getting married!
Iforgotmyname: AARON!
Iforgotmyname: Wait
Iforgotmyname: What if we have a daughter?
Iforgotmyname: What kind of name is Thor for a chick?Iforgotmyname: DOESN'T MATTER CUZ WE'RE NOT GETTING MARRIED OR HAVING KIDS
{Iforgotmyname is now offline.}
Talk about abandoning a story... I've had this draft since almost half a month ago lol....
online luv
RomanceThey met online. Became friends online. Fell in love online. Got hurt online. Found out secrets online. Died... online?