Chapter 12: imagine that

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Ryan and I said good bye to Spencer early in the morning and got on the road. Ryan had been very silent all morning and I was very worried about him.
"Ryan, are you okay?" I finally asked.
"Yeah, I'm just tried." He said softly.
"Ryan, you can tell me anything. You don't have to hold back, I'm listening."
"I'm just emotional tried, you know because last night. I've never had something like that happen to me." He looked down at his hands and I saw a tear run down his face. "It was just hard, you know?" I reached across and grabbed his hand. I squeezed his hand and felt my heart shatter. I had never seen this much emotion from him, I felt like I needed to make him smile again. I just wanted to see his bright smile again, making me feel safe.
"I know, I'm here though. I'm here." I smiled at him, he looked up and smiled slightly at me. Turned back to the road, but held his hand tight.
"Oh, and Brendon, thank you for what you said last night. You're right." I turned and saw him smiling at me, a tear still fresh on his face. I leaned over and wiped his tear away and then kissed his soft lips.
"Anytime." I smiled and felt my worries lift. He leaned his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes.

I had been driving for six hours and it was around three o'clock. Ryan was still asleep, but half way through the ride he had moved and leaned against the window. We had just made it into New Mexico and I couldn't imagine driving anymore. I got off the highway and drive down the empty streets of Clayton. I found a small hotel and pulled into the parking lot.
"Hey, Ryan wake up." I said gently shaking his arm. Ryan opened his eyes and yawned.
"We're stopping for the day." Ryan looked out the window at the small hotel.
"We're staying here." Ryan said disgusted.
"Ryan, get out of the car." I said grinning. We grabbed our bags and walked into the brick stone hotel. The inside was western themed and was empty.
"Hi, one room." I said walking up to the counter. The man behind the counter began to type rapidly.
"Two beds." He said without a question.
"No. One will be fine." The man looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.
"Two beds aren't extra, you don't have to share."
"I know. But we want one bed. Honestly it's none of your business, give us one bed." I said getting annoyed. It seemed as if the world didn't approve of our relationship, but that wasn't going to stop me. I was happy that I could finally not be embarrassed. I hoped Ryan was too.
"Okay, here's your key." He said holding it out.
"Thanks." I grabbed it and I wrapped my arm around Ryan. We walked up the stairs to our room and opened the door. The room was small and had a dusty smell. Ryan sat on the bed at smiled up at me.
"You stood up for us!" Ryan said with a huge smile. I sat next to him and kissed his lips. I held his body tight. My tongue pushed into his mouth and his hand gripped my thigh. We laid back and started to undress each other. Our bodies became entangled and we started to sweat. We rolled around kissing and touching each other until we couldn't resist it anymore. And then I was inside him again, it was bliss. It was heaven on earth. It was messy, dirty, and hot, but it was better then anything I had ever imagined. Once we were done we laid naked next to each other, our hands still tightly grasped.
"I wanna go out." Ryan said quietly.

We walked down the straight, not many people were around. Ryan had a lit cigarette between his lips and his hands shoved deep into his pockets. He was quite, he seemed to get that way after sex. We walked up to a thrift store and Ryan stopped.
"Let's go in." Ryan opened the door and I followed close behind. The store was empty and it was playing country music. Ryan made a face at the music and then continued in. He picked up a leather jacket. "You like it?"
"It would look nice on you." I said smiling, imagining how cute he would look in it. He smiled and continued to look around.
"Oh Brendon!" He called.
"You need this." He held up a red Hawaiian shirt. "You would look hot in it!"
"I don't know." I wasn't a huge fan of Hawaiian shirts, they reminded me of my dad.
"Oh come on!" Ryan said walking up to me still holding it.
"Okay fine," I grinned. "If I get to pick something out for you. And we both have to wear our items to dinner." I had a brilliant idea and Ryan had no idea.
"Totally." I took the shirt from Ryan and walks over to a bucket of hats.
"Here it is!" I held up a huge sombrero and started to laugh.
"Ha ha Brendon what is it actually." Ryan said with his hand on his hip.
"I'm not kidding." Ryan's mouth dropped open and I burst out laughing.

We sat in a fish restaurant as everyone stared at us. Here we were laughing and talking happily as everyone starred. I bet we looked ridiculous in our thrift shop finds. But all we cared about us each other. We held each other's hands and told stories of our childhood.
I finally found out where Ryan was from that dinner. He was from Las Vegas, like my parents. Imagine that.

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