Chapter 13: filled with anything Ryan

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I woke up before Ryan and had got in the shower. On the walk home from the restaurant the night before had been filled with laughter and kisses. Our hands had not separated once since dinner and Ryan's head had leaned on my shoulder almost the entire night. The rest of the night was spent in our room. Ryan danced around the room with the sombrero still on his but only in his underwear, signing the parts of a old Mexican folk song that he could remember. I had laughed hysterically at his drunken dance moves even though he was completely sober. At one point he just laid down on the bed and passed out instantly.
The morning was cloudy and it seemed as if it was going to rain. I walked out of the bathroom, my wet hair hanging on me. Ryan was lying on his back with his arm hanging off the bed. I walked over to my bag and started to get dressed.
"Nice ass," Ryan said suddenly awake. "Its like the sun, so white and bright." Ryan started to laugh. I turned around and smiled at him. He was sitting up, his hair was a mess and his chest was bare.
"You like this ass." I said grinning at him.
"Not as much as you love mine." I ran over to Ryan and jumped on the bed. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. I kissed his neck and heard him giggle. His smile was radiating joy, I felt my heart grow warm (I know cheesy but true). Ryan laid down and I laid my head on his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair and I closed my eyes. I took it that moment, I wanted to remember the bliss forever.
"Can we go out today, before we start driving again." Ryan asked.
"Yeah. We've got no time line." I sat up and smiled down at him. "I'm gonna get dressed."
"No stay." He said pulling my arm towards him.
"Ryan, I'm hungry. Come on, get up." I grabbed his waist and pulled him up into my arms. I kissed his check and let go of his body. He fell back into the bed and sighed. I grabbed my clothes and started to get dressed.
"Hey Brendon."
"Yes, Ryan?"
"Why am I not wearing my underwear?" Ryan asked finally getting out of bed.
"In your sleep you took them off." I said pulling a shirt over my head. Ryan grabbed his clothes and started to dress. I was finished so I sat on the bed and watched him.
"Vest or no vest?" He asked holding it up.
"I like that vest." Ryan smiled and slide it on.
"I like that striped shirt you're wearing, I'm gonna have to barrow it sometime."
"Anytime you want." I stood up and put my bag over my shoulder. "You ready?"
"Yeah." He slide his sunglasses on and grabbed my hand. "Let's go B." I began to smile, Ryan had a nickname from me! I was so extremely happy, and I couldn't believe it. I adored him so much and it seemed that he felt the same. I honestly couldn't believe that someone as great as Ryan could feel like that way about me.
We checked out and put our bags in the car. We walked down the street hand and hand; smiling and talking about the town around us.
"The streets are empty. We could walk down the middle of the street and no one would hit us!" Ryan said making large gestures with his free hand.
"We could." I said nodding, my free hand in my pocket.
"Come on." Ryan pulled me into the street and squeezed my hand. "It's just us."
"That's fine."
"I like it." He said smiling.
"Me too."
"You remind me of a famous person." Ryan said thoughtfully.
"Which one."
"Not one in particular, just a person that's famous. You have that air about you. That's a compliment by the way." He said elbowing me lightly.
"Then, thank you." It was very cold and windy. Ryan was cold, I could tell. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and pulled him into me.
"You need to wear more clothing Ryan. You're going to freeze to death one day." I said teasing him.
"I like being cold."
"Because then you'll hold me tight." He smiled and looked up at me. "Like right now."
"I like when I hook you too." I kissed him and felt that feeling of bliss that always came with it. As I pulled away I felt a cold drop of water hit my forehead. Then another and another, faster and bigger drops.
"Ryan let's get inside, it's starting to rain." I tried to bring Ryan under coverage but Ryan resisted. "Ryan come on."
"Let's stay."
"What? Ryan it's fucking pouring." I said as the rain began to soak through my clothes.
"Brendon just let go! It's great out here!" Ryan began to take off his jacket. "Come on! Fuck social norms! For god sake, isn't that why you ran away in the first place? That's why I ran away!" He took of his shoes and threw them. He ran through the street; jumping in puddles and spinning around.
"Brendon come on!" I gave up and ripped off my jacket. I ran towards him and grabbed him, I lifted him into the air and spun him around. He leaned back with his arms out and let the rain hit his face. His smile was the biggest it could be, which made mine just as big. I drop him down and we ran hand and hand through the wet streets. I hated the rain but in that moment it didn't matter. He was all that mattered, him and that moment. Deep down all I wanted the sun to come out but that would mine Ryan not laughing and dancing in the streets. So I guess i didn't want the sun to come out, not until Ryan was done. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my arms, I smiled down at his soft face.
"Ryan, thank you." He kissed me and pushed my hair out of my face.
"Anytime B." He kissed me and bliss exploded through my entire body. Rain began to let up and we walked back to the car. I was about to get in the car when I noticed Ryan.
"Ryan what are you doing?"
"Taking off my wet clothes."
"On the street?"
"Yeah. You should do it too." He was now just standing in his underwear.
"I'm good."
"B you're gonna be so uncomfortable. Get naked please." I laughed. I took off my shirt and threw it at Ryan.
"I wish I had dollar bills." I took off my pants and threw them at him again. We drove down the highway and Ryan hung out the window. He had my pants in his hands and was trying to  dry them. He was yelling and laughing, still only in his underway of corse. Moments like these were the things I still love the most. The times of crazy things filled with Ryan's laughter. Filled with Ryan's smiles. Filled with Ryan's soft, sweet voice. Filled with anything Ryan. Those were the best and always will be.

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