Deenas street life 2

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"Who the fuck is this?".

"Dont watch that deena- jus know your dead."

then the line hung up.

sorcha looked at me bare shook, "who was it,"

"sorcha- can we go back to my nans house please- i dont wanna see smurkz today."

"cool cool- we'll get a cab."

sorcha called a cab and it came within ten minutes.

i was so shook all the way back, like i began to realise the shit i was in.

when we got to my nans house, me and sorcha went into the living room.

"somebody said they were gonna kill me," i sed, "they said im a dead sket."

sorcha looked at me, "was it a bre or chick,"

"a bre," i sed. i cld feel myself starting to have a panic attack,

i ran into the kitchen and poured myself some water.

"wheres ur uncle," sorcha asked.

"he must be out," i sed startin to relax.

i walked back into the front room.

"sorcha- i need to tell you somethin," i said.

she looked at me bare confused.

"chanel wants me to set up smurkz- she gave me money for it, but i cant do it."

her face lit up.

"chanel- as in his girl," she asked.

i nodded.

"did she say why."

i shook my head.

"we have to tell smurkz," she said.

"nah nah we cant," i said, "he'll hurt her."

"same way she wants to hurt him- i'm gonna call him,"

she picked up her blacberry and i stopped her, "what if we set HER up without telling him," i said.

"how do you mean," she said.

"she offered to send me more money when i said i wasnt sure, what if i asked for more and when she pays, i change my number and never talk to her again."

"And we keep the money."

Sorcha smiled so hard.

"how much did she give u so far," she asked.

"5 bills- i'll give u 250 and if we ask for 5 bills more ill give u another half," i sed.

"call her now," she sed, "tell her ur scared and need more."

"before i do that," i sed, "what about the person who called and said i was gonna die."

"change ur number- ive got a sim you can use- call chanel first."

i dialled chanels number.


"hi babes," i sed,"its deena."

"everything good darling,", i put her on speaker.

"yeah yeah, but chanel- i was with smurkz today and he's not that on me anymore- i wanna suck his dick to change that but uno how u sed you would pay more if i was.."

"how much do u want," she said bare quick.

"6 bills more."

sorcha looked at me like wtf.

Deenas Street LifeWhere stories live. Discover now