Deena street life 22

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I put the phone down and started cryin.

"Who said dat," ryan asked, "who was it."

"Her mum," i cried.

Ryan jumped up and took the phone. "It was witheld," i said.

"So how do you know it was her mum?", he asked.

"I recognised her voice, she said the police are at her house now..." i started bawlin so hard, "she wants us to be there."

Ryan looked at me as i started screamin and cryin for Sorcha.

Me and Ryan got to Sorcha's house and when he did some feds were leaving. We got out of the car and went into the house, the door was open. Her mum was on the sofa crying.

"Oh Ryan," she said running to hug him. Her teeth were so yellow coming like a drunk man's piss.

"What happened," i asked tryin not to cry.

She sat down and we sat down of the sofa next to her. "I came home from work two days ago as she was going out to some club she said, and Ive been at my boyfriends since last night but when I came back this morning, the police were waiting outside for me and they said they found...." she started crying.

Ryan put his arm around and her and patted her back.

"They did a drug raid in a house in West Ham and they found Sorcha in the toilets, someone had slit her throat."

I started bawlin. I couldnt hold it and had to leave the room. Ryan was startin to cry as well.

I stood outside the livin room cryin. I didnt care what anyone said, she was still my girl, i know she cared about me.

I heard Ryan ask, "how are the police sure its her."

then her mum said, "the girl fits her description and had her provisional licence on her, they want me to identify the body tommorow, your dad's coming to help me, he's coming here now."

I walked back into the room. Ryan jumped and shouted, "WHY DID YOU CALL HIM, he doesnt care about Sorcha."

Sorcha's mum started cryin and said, "he's her uncle ryan, he's your dad, he's the only member of the family who said he'd help, please for sorcha's sake, put your differences aside."

"Fuck you Mary, fuck you- you know how much i hate my dad," ryan started cryin, "if he's coming to then im not."

"Ryan please!",

He ran out of the room and into the car and i ran after him.

When i sat in the car, he had his head on the steering wheel crying. 

"Ryan what's wrong," i asked.

"Mary knows how much i hate my dad and she called him here, he dont care about Sorcha Deena, he dont give a fuck about her and he never gave a fuck about me."

"Ryan please," i said, "tru say just do it for Mary, fink about Sorcha, you dont even have to speak to him, just be there to support Mary."

"I can't Deena, man just cant."

He drove off, "where we goin," i asked.

"Back to East," he said, "im gonna find out what happened."

"NO", i said, "lets just go back home."

"I need to talk to my boys, how can i sleep knowing someone who lives close to my bits duppied my cousin, I know she was rolling with some bookie man or some big drug business shit, but i didnt know...."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2011 ⏰

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