Deenas street life 9

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Natalie Smurked.

I looked up at her and grabbed her leg, she kicked me with other one and i banged my head against the bed.

Sorcha walked back into the room with a knife in her hand. Her face so bloody and one of her contacts had fallen out.

Natalie picked up the chair as Sorcha got closer to her. I ran inbetween and started crying, "please stop i beg u two please stop."

Natalie grabbed my hair and swung me onto the floor and when Sorcha went to help me up, Natalie kicked her in the face. the knife fell out of her hand.

Then we heard the front door open and close.

Then i looked up.

"You alright babes," Smurkz said kissing Natalie on the cheek.

I looked at him and didnt want to cry in front of him but it hurt so much, I thought he really cared.

He looked at Sorcha and laughed.

"Where did you park the whip." Natalie asked.

"Round the back, we have to go right now cos someone might see it," He said, "How are we gonna get them into the car."

"We're gonna walk," Natalie said, "If not, we'll just send your boys to Deena's nan yard and then have them visit Sorcha's mum tonight."

Smurkz squeezed Natalies ass and helped me up. 

I spat in his face. He slapped me.

Sorcha got upslowly and dried her eyes.

All four of us walked round the back of the house and got in the car. I wanted to scream but i realized that i didnt know Smurkz, i couldnt risk him hurting my nan

so i got in the back of the car next to Sorcha and Dee.

Dee avoided eye contact with me and Sorcha as Natalie sat in the passenger seat and Smurkz got in the drivers seat.

Sorcha just kept crying, she wouldnt stop.

"Shut the fuck up Sorcha," Smurkz said.

"Where are we going," I asked trying not to show them how shook i was.

"Somewhere private innit."

Natalie looked bare sad as she looked at me and then when she saw Smurkz look at her she gave me a dirty look.

We were drivin for half an hour and then i recognised where we were, it was the same place that we saw Chanel getting raped.

It was dead out, nobody was there. Smurkz parked the whip in front of the entrance and pulled me out of the car. Sorcha got out of the car and tried to run but Dee tripped her up, she fell on the floor and her face was grazed. they pushed us into the lift and then when we got to the flat, Smurkz unlocked the door.

It stank of weed and there were two man already in there.

"I thought you said it would be just us,"Natalie said.

"These man wanted to have fun innit,"Smurkz said. I cried when i recognised one of the guy who had raped Chanel.

The flat looked worse than it did before, it smelt of dro and piss and likesomeone had just done a shit. the windows were boarded up and there was a bull dog running around the place.

"Get on the sofa," Dee said.

I sat down quick time but Sorcha said, "fuck it, i aint scared of u lot." Smurkz backhanded her and she fell on the couch.

I saw Natalie look at her watch really quickly and say, "I need to leave in an hour, im going dubai innit with my man and his parents."

Smurkz nodded as he lit up a browns.

"Deena," he said, "You were gonna set me up for Chanel innit."

"No," i said.

"Dont lie," he said, "i swear this chick is making me vex"

"Just tell the truth,"Dee said calmly. "Please."

He looked like he didnt wanna be here, like he felt deep.

"Deena, you were gonna set me up to get fucked up by Chanel, you took her dough so you were gonna do it,"

I looked at him and started cryin,"I was finkin about it but den I started to like you bare, so i couldnt do it, i proper like you, i swear down."

Sorcha kissed her teeth and said, "shes chattin shit, she told me she was gonna do it, that she was gonna set u up and that she was gonna do it, she even asked me to help her."

I was so shocked and i started stutterin, "shes chattin shit."

Smurkz said, "Deena, i beg u tell me why u asked Chanel for more money if u werent gonna do it."

I couldnt even lie, i just cried.

I felt like i was dreaming, you know when you feel as if it cant be happening, like its not real.

Smurkz punched me up. i started crying as he repeatedly punched me. Sorcha looked at me and smurked, then out of nowhere she got pulled to the ground by one the guys and the two guys started kicking her in the stomach.

Natalie just looked on and i saw a tear rolling down her eye.

"Put on ur doms when ur gonna fuck dem," Smurkz said when he punched me in the stomach. "This one has herpes, i gave it to her."

Dee laughed as he and the other two guys took Sorcha into the other room and closed the door. Smurkz unzipped his jeans and put his dick in my mouth and grabbed the back of my head making me suck it and i could hear were Sorcha's screams. Then Dee walkedout naked and said to Smurkz, "is the acid still in the fridge."

Smurkz turned to him and nodded, Dee pulled out an evian bottle which looked like it was full of water and went into back into the room and closed the door.

That was when i heard Sorcha scream so loud that even Natalie burst out crying, she ran into the room and started begging them to stop. Dee pushed her out and said, "You wanted this yeah, dont make us turn on you."

Smurkz looked at Natalie and said, "dont feel sorry for her, she wouldnt feel sorry for you."

Blood was running down my face as i sucked Smurkz dick. My jaws were startin to hurt as he punched me whenever i didnt suck hard.

I coud hear Sorcha screaming, like proper screaming and crying.

"I have to go,"Natalie said.

"How are u getting to the airport,"Smurkz said.

"Ill walk to the mainroad and call a cab, my man has my luggage with him."


Natalie kissed Smurkz on the cheek and then as she went to open the door. It was kicked down. Natalie fell on the floor.

Ten man, all blacked out ran in, one of them had a strap and then i saw her.


"Ya dun know."

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