[7] Dîner

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I turned on my favourite playlist and started getting ready for dinner.

I texted Kathy earlier saying I felt better and that I was going to find them later for dinner. She told me to dress semi-formal and that she'll come back to get ready soon.

I took a shower, put some light make-up on, and tied my hair up into a nice up-do. It was rare for me to do anything other than ponytails or just let my hair stay down. It was just too much work.

I picked a pale blue dress from the closet. Perfect.

After I put it on, Kathy came into the room just in time.

"Hey, you're 100% sure you don't feel sick anymore right? Hold it, lemme check your forehead temperature." Kathy said as she placed one of her hand on my forehead, the other on hers.

She gave me an okay sign.
"Wait for me, okay! Don't you dare ditch me for Jimin." She said as she entered the bathroom.

"What? YAH! What are you talking about?!" I half-shouted. I wanted to make sure she heard, but not the neighbours in the hotel.

"Just saying~" she answered back.

Kathy wore a dark purple dress with black detailing. It looked absolutely gorgeous on her.
"You are so pretty." I said.
"Right back at ya!" Kathy said.

We headed towards the restaurant in the hotel. We saw the guys standing there waiting for us. They were all dressed in a suit but the one who really stood out to me was Jimin. After he wrote me that note, there was just something in my heart that screamed for him.

As we walked a little more, Hoseok noticed us.
"Ayyyy, you are gorgeous!" Hoseok said as he walked towards Kathy.
"Y/N, you're beautiful too!" Jungkook said as he waved for us to come inside.

Jimin walked over and held his hand out. I looked at him and saw that he had a pale blue tie on. Waht a coincidence. I giggled.
"What kind of apology was that? Couldn't you just say it to me?" I said as I hooked my arm around his.
"Yah...I didn't want to wake you up or anything...anyways, I'm sorry. Okay?"
"Humph. Whatever." I pouted as I looked away from him.
"By the way, you look stunning tonight."
I blushed. Even though everyone was complimenting us, somehow, Jimin's words were very different.
"Y-you look good too."

We sat in a grand rectangular table. This was how the table was arranged:

"Now let's order first." Jin said, waving his hand at the waiter.
After ordering we waited. There were many people at the restaurant today, so it might take some time before our main course arrives.

We started talking about what to do for the next week and so. Namjoon said he had everything planned out already and that we shouldn't worry about it.

"Hey, aren't you guys matching?" Taehyung noticed too.
"Oh yea! They are!" Kathy said and she gave me a look.
What are you hinting at Kathy?
Oh nothing. And she gives me a wink

I gave Jimin a nudge.
"Why'd you wear blue of all other colours?" I whispered as the others talked amongst themselves.
He nudged back at me.
"Why can't I? It's my favourite colour after all." He said while readjusting his tie.
"Really? Me too!"

"Here's your order, miss." the waiter said as he put down my appetizer, a salad.

We talked about our high school and university days during dinner. After dinner, we walked around the hotel. There was a nice garden. Somehow, we got separated.

"It's really nice here isn't it? Ahh, I wish I brought my phone with me to take pictures." I said as I bent down to look at one of the flowers.
"How about I'll take one and send it to you?" Jimin said as he took out his phone.
He took a few pictures of the flower and then he turned the camera towards me.
"Wha-, yah! Park Jimin!" I said as I tried to grab his phone.
"Delete that!!! Why are you taking a picture of me?" I asked, still trying to take his phone.
"'Cause. You're as beautiful as these flowers tonight."
"What...stop joking..now give me the phone!!"
"Fine~I'll delete it. But you have to take a selca with me."
I thought for a minute. At least the photo of me wouldn't look weird if I knew he was gonna take a picture.
"Okay, fine."

"Smile~" Jimin said.

"Hey guys," I turned around and saw Namjoon with the others behind him.
"Wanna go to the club here?"

End of chapter

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