[13] Pabo and shortie

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Jimin's POV
Ah, she fell asleep. I sat beside her to make sure that she wouldn't fall over if the bus came across a speed bump. I crossed my legs and looked at her face. From her soft hair, to her long eyelashes, to her soft, pink lips.

I-I wanna kiss them right now.

JIMIN! W-w-what are you thinking about? You are on a public bus! I started listening to music, one bud in my ear, the other, I gently put it in y/n's ear. [BTS - Converse High] I looked back at y/n. I want to call you mine's soon.

Your POV
I woke up to a speed bump on the road and music in my ears.
My eyes fluttered open and I was getting chills. I closed the window, still leaving a slight opening. I looked to my right and saw that Jimin and I were sharing earbuds. His arms were crossed across his chest and he was dozing off too. Haha. He looks so cute.

I thought of something funny. I took out my phone, went to the camera app and took a photo of him sleeping. This will be useful if I ever want to blackmail him later. Haha. I then took another one with me in it. I put a peace sign next to my face. "Cheese~" snap.

While I was looking back at the photos I took, Jimin woke up and snatched the phone away from me.
"Wow, what is this? Whoaaa.... Oh this one looks pretty nice. You should be thankful that I have such a cute, baby, and angelic face." Jimin said.
"Yah! I think there were too many adjectives in that sentence. Give me my phone back!" I reached to take my phone but he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into him.
"Isn't this picture much better? Now, let's send this to me...."
I rolled my eyes. Whatever. As long as he doesn't delete the ones I took earlier, it'll be fine.
"Here ya go." Jimin said, offering my phone back.
"Bleh." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Guys, this is our stop." Namjoon said, coming down from the stairs.
"Woohoo! This is gonna be so much fun!" Hoseok said, his arms were around Kathy.
"WOOO" the guys cheered as we got off the bus. We thanked the driver in Spanish and he smiled back at us.

The flea market had a bunch of people there. There were paintings and wood carvings hung up on the walls and other cool things.
"Tae! Doesn't this look like you?" Jungkook said pointing to one of the wood sculptures.
"Yah, it's another alien species!" I said, laughing.
"Bobuudobull" Taehyung said as he touched the sculpture.
We all laughed.

Ah, it was really hot today too. The sun was blazing and there were only a few fans in the tents.
I saw a toy car made out of pop cans. "Woah look at this!" I said, pulling at Jimin's sleeve.
"Hm? Hey, why don't we buy some of these hats back for souvenirs?" He said, pointing to hats that were also made out of pop cans.
"I wonder how many cans they drank out of just to make all these." Jin said, looking around.

I walked to another little section of the same tent "Hi miss." a man in his 40's said to me.
"Hola!" I smiled back at him. I picked up a box and looked around. Is this for decoration? "Oh, that is a magic box. Try to open it!" The seller said. I tried finding the opening. "What..." How the fxck do you open this?!?!?

"Yah, you do it like this." Jimin said. He put his hands on top of mine and opened it.
"What the-?! Whoa." I said as I re-opened and closed the box again and again. How do they come up with these little tricks?
"Pabo." Jimin said as he patted my head.
"Yah!" I punched his arm. He pretended that it actually hurt.
"Haha, you two look cute together." The seller said.
"Ah, we're just friends." I said. I think I saw Jimin look over when the seller said that.

We finished up with the souvenirs. It was going to be 1 o' clock soon so we decided to find a place outside of the hotel to eat.
"Why don't we just eat coconuts or pineapples for lunch?" Jungkook said.
"That's not enough to be a meal." Jin replied.
"We can always go back to the hotel, but by then, the lunch buffet will be closed since it'll be around 2 or 3. Or we can just order some drinks." I said.
"Let's just ask some people around here." Namjoon said, walking ahead.
The sidewalk was really narrow so we either had to walk alone or in pairs. We looked like kindergarteners all lined up since we had 9 people. Namjoon led us in the front while I was walking in the back since I walked a bit slower (because I'm short).

"Hurry up, pabo." Jimin stopped and looked back, waiting for me.
"Stop calling me pabo, you pabo." I jogged to where he was.
"You're a pabo and you're slow. I'm a angel from heaven."
"You mean a fallen angel? Then that means your a devil." I stuck my tongue out at him and ran in front of him.
"Wh-, how dare you, shortie!"
"You're not that tall either!"

He grabbed my waist and lifted me up over his shoulders.
"Yah! Let me down!" I lightly hit him on his back.
"I'm not short."
"Ok, ok. But you're still a pabo, right?" I giggled.
"Guys, hurry up!" Taehyung shouted to us.
"Tell him to let me down first~" I shouted back at him.
"Jimin! Just let y/n down!" Taehyung yelled. Jimin let me down. But before I could run to the group, Jimin held my hands and ran.
"Yah,yah,yah. Slow down! I'm going to fall!" I hit Jimin's arm with my free hand.

We finally arrived at a cute restaurant. It was a seafood restaurant by the ocean. We had a nice view of it too!
"Omg, this is such a pretty view!" I said in awe.
We all settled down into our seats and ordered our lunch.

End of chapter

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