[15] Courage

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Few days later...
"Sigh~ we only have a week left." I said, dissappointed.
"Aw, it's okay! We can always go again! Plus, we can meet each other on weekends, or whenever we're free. It doesn't mean this is the last time we're going to see each other." Jungkook said, hugging my arm reassuringly.
"I know...But I feel like I've made so many good friends! You guys are so nice. Except that pabo." I said the last part quietly, but I guess he has really good hearing.

"Excuse me?" Jimin said.
"Well, you're always teasing me! Calling me short and stuff..."
"Haha, it's okay, you have us. Who needs Chimchim when you have an alien, right?" Taehyung said.
"Yah! Don't call me by that name!" Jimin said pointing to Taehyung.
I laughed.
"You, are you laughing at me (your full name)?!" Jimin started walking towards me. I hid behind Jungkook.
"Now, you ain't gonna hurt the golden maknae right?" Jungkook said, spreading his arms out so Jimin wouldn't get to me.

We played like this for a while until we got tired.

Jimin's POV
After dinner
Sigh~ I want to confess to her soon. Although I think Tae and Kookie know about my feelings, they don't really say anything about it... Should I ask them? But they're going to tease me about it every time I'm around y/n... And that's like 24/7...

Jungkook and I were in our room while Taehyung was out in the balcony. Jungkook came out of the bathroom.
"Hey, why are you staring off into space?" Jungkook said, waving his arm in front of me.
"Should I confess?" Oops, I meant to say that in my head.
Taehyung suddenly jumped in front of me.
"Omo, Jimin's in love~" Taehyung gave me a pat on the back and a big smile.
"Shut up..."
"IS IT Y/N NOONA?! AHHHH" Jungkook said, jumping around the room.
"Guys!" I stood up.

"Go for it!" Taehyung said.
"This isn't as easy as it sounds..." I scratched the back of my head.
"But you're not gonna know if she'll say yes or no." Taehyung said.
"She's 100% gonna agree." Jungkook whispered to Taehyung.
"She's not 100% going to do that Kookie." I said.
"Nuh-uh. Only we would know that." Taehyung said, giving me a sassy wave.

Next day
Jimin's POV

I couldn't sleep a wink. I was thinking about y/n all night and whether I should confess or not. This is driving me insane! I got ready and headed out the door.

Your POV
Ah~ another day has passed. I wish time would just stop. So the 9 of us can stay like this forever. After I washed up and changed into a navy and white striped shirt with a pair of lace shorts, I headed outside. I saw Jimin was also coming out from his hotel room.

"Morning." I said.
"Mm yea. G'morning." He replied.
"Woah, you have dark circles under your eyes! Did you not sleep last night?" I asked, walking close to him.
"Augh, let's not talk about it." He slung his arm over my shoulder and we headed to breakfast.

"Wowa. Jimin can actually not get enough sleep!" Yoongi said when he saw us.
"Oh look who's together." Jungkook whispered to Tae.
"I have no idea what happened." I said, two hands in the air.
"We do~" Jungkook and Tae said.
"Stop it. Let's finish breakfast first." Jimin said, taking a sip of water.
After dinner (on the same day)
Namjoon said that there'll be a show going on in the hotel so we decided to attend it. Apparently it's a comedic play.

We all sat down in 2 rows. We were in a group that was kinda just there, in the middle of the seats. I sat next to a random guy while Jimin was on my left. Yoongi was sitting in front of me, looking at the brochure handed out for the show.

We were inside this large auditorium kind of place. The windows were open, but they kept the light out with a screen. They dimmed the lights and a man came out onto the stage with a mic.

Halfway through the play, I found that Jimin's arm was on my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.
I think he's being either too protective or just touchy/feel-y. I tried shrugging it off, but he held on tighter. Aish this kid. Even though he's older than me.

The show finished and we headed back to the hotel room to play games. We headed to the biggest room, which was Jimin, Tae, and Kookie's hotel room of course. (Namjoon's room only had 2 beds, so yes the guys had to share beds.)

"Now, what shall we play~" Hoseok said as he laid down on one of the beds.
"Yah, get your butt off of my bed." Jimin said, pushing Hobie off.
"Wow wow wow. Rude." Hobie said, moving on to the next bed.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Taehyung suggested.
Hello everyone! How are you guys doing?
Haven't said hi in a while so yea. Hehe

I'm sorry if this chapter was somewhat like a fill-in. Wasn't that interesting right? :'(
Anyways, their trip is ending soon! I'm thinking of continuing this so that when they get back from the trip, they are all still together. Somehow....

Hope you guys liked this chapter! See ya later. :)

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