Chapter 13

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Bucky Barnes Point of View: "What was that about?" I asked after she walked away. That hurt my feelings.

Steve put a hand on my shoulder and started walking with me. "She's lost a lot of people in her life Buck, and now you want to go.... She does this every single time someone leaves, she pushes them away so she doesn't hurt as much. She really likes you, maybe try talking to her." He suggested

"I think I'll just go to my room. She made it clear she doesn't want to see me." I said and Steve sighed

"She's clearly drunk, she doesn't even know what she wants. You're just being stubborn." He said and crossed his arms.

I rolled my eyes. I was not being stubborn.

"I'm going to bed." I said and walked away. I walked past Rey's room and stopped at the door.

I wanted to knock, and tell her I'm sorry but she needs alone time.

So I walked straight to my room

---two days later---

I was standing outside Rey's door, she hasn't left her room for two whole days. I was worried for her and needed to talk to her.

I was about to know but heard someone in her room, so I decided to listen for a little bit.

"Wanda, I don't even know anymore. I want Bucky to get better and be safe, but I want him to stay with me. I know it's selfish so that's why I didn't tell him. What should I do?" She asked and I could tell she was crying

"Tell Barnes that, it's always better to be honest." Wanda answered. I didn't know Rey really wanted me to stay this much.

"I'm not going to tell him, I'll let him do what he wants, in the mean time I can just train, maybe start going on missions soon enough."

"Rey, stop acting like you're okay and that things haven't changed. We are wanted by 117 countries, you can't go on missions!" Wanda said and I heard Rey sigh.

"I'm starting to think I should've signed the Accords."

"Don't say that..." Wanda said.

"It's true, maybe it's not to late...." She said and I knocked on the door, I needed to talk to her before she makes any bad decisions.

Wanda opened the door and looked back at Rey, "I think it's best you two talk." She said and walked out.

I walked in and Rey had red puffy eyes. I closed the door and walked to her bed. She didn't say anything, "Rey, I'm new to this whole 'feelings' thing. I want you to know, I like you, and I care for you..." I said and she wiped a tear away

"I feel the same way about you." She mumbled and it made me feel a little bit better

"and I don't like seeing you hurt. But, I think me going back under is a good idea. I can get better, and once I trust myself again, I promise I'll get out of there. But you need to help me, I can't do this alone, I need you to take out Hydra, and make sure none of them know what will trigger me."

I paused and looked over at her. She had teary eyes and once I held out my arm, she jumped on my lap and hugged me.

I hugged her back and held onto her so tightly. She was crying onto my shirt and wasn't saying anything.

"I want you to feel safe, that's all I've ever wanted for you. So I promise I'll wait, this is what you want."

She let go of me and I smiled. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not supporting your decision and yelling at you." She said and looked down.

"Don't feel sorry, it's okay..." I said and brushed some of her hair out of her face.

"When are you going under?" She asked and I sighed. "Tomorrow morning..." I answered and she started to lean in.

"I need to kiss you at least once," she said and put her hands in my hair and I put mine on her lower back

I closed the gap between us and instantly forgot where I was and got caught up in the moment.

She and I both moved out lips in sync, and I haven't kissed anyone in over 75 years, but I guess muscle memory doesn't forget.

Once she pulled away, I was smirking. She was blushing. There were no words to actually describe how perfect that was. She then hugged me again and I closed my eyes.

I felt safe and relaxed when I was with her.

She let go again and laid down, "it's so late, why don't we just go to sleep? I want to spend one more night with you."

I nodded. "I'd like that." I said and got under the cover. She rested her head on my chest and I put an arm around her.

I kissed her head and she slowly started to fall asleep and so did I. We both enjoyed the moment

 We both enjoyed the moment

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