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Music. It is what you live for. Your love for music is what one can say might stay forever.

You were that type of person who would spend her entire life loving and listening to sweet and gentle melodies that would never fail to put a huge smile on your face.

You were in love, in love with every masterpiece you hear from great performers that other people usually find 'boring'. You loved it all. And to you, it is the perfect definition of the word beautiful.

But as you walk through the silent hallway of the huge building of Kamii University, the smile on your face went wide as soft music began to fill your ears.

The sound was sweet, gentle melody that almost touched both your heart and your soul.

You closed your eyes and appreciate this new sound, this new emotion bursting inside your chest.

Charmed by this melodic piece, you found yourself standing in front of the huge door to the music room, the sound much clearer to you this time.

You closed your eyes yet again for a mere second, loving the beautiful masterpiece but as you listen, you slowly realized the message behind this tune.

It doesn't sound so joyful. Instead it was sad, lonely. And you could truthfully feel those emotions building up in your chest as you continue to listen to the piece.

And without hesitation, you quietly opened the door, careful not to distract the person who makes the enchanting sound.

Your lips turned upward in a smile as you carefully walk through the big room. You turned around almost immediately and there, you saw a young man, sitting on a black stool, his back turned against you as he continue to play the piano.

You watched him play the instrument and as he lean forward now and then when the tempo changed, you found yourself slowly falling in love with the beautiful music he created.

That is until, he stopped. Your eyes went wide for a second and you watched the person as he continue to stay frozen in his seat.

"Why did you stop?" You asked so suddenly, your mouth moving on its own without you realizing.

The young man turned around almost immediately and his eyes went wide as he gazed at you. "I..."

Your eyes did not fail to see the fresh tears falling down from his gray eyes. And curiosity took over you as you ask why he was crying.

He was taken a back for a mere second, but he immediately went back to his composure. He wiped the tears off his face before he spoke. "N-Nothing," he muttered, his voice shaking from crying.

"Are you sure?" You asked, face scrunched up in curiosity.

"Y-Yes. I-I have to go." He mumbled before getting up from his seat and exiting through the door.

You watched his retreating back and you felt your heart ache for some unknown reason. And that is until you've decided,

You're gonna find him.

Let's try to write some AU this time. A world in which Kaneki Ken plays the piano, and did not end up getting his insides scrambled up by Rize. Enjoy!

Dedicated to : MissLadyEagle_

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