Your Pretty Face

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I leaned against our large tour bus and took a long drag of cigarette and instantly felt my nerves vanish. I loved being out here alone just smoking with no one bothering me. I blew the smoke from my mouth and a big gray cloud formed in front of my face.

"Do you mind if I steal a cigarette?" a man's voice questioned from beside me. I looked over at him thinking about how he had ruined my time alone. "I left my pack in my bus," he explained. He had black hair that exceeded just a bit past his shoulder and blueish eyes that were rimmed with heavy black makeup. His thin lips curled into a smile making me notice his spider bites. He had a really nice smile. His right arm was covered with tattoos and a few other places were adorned with ink. A black beanie decorated his head and he was wearing all black.

I nodded and reached into my pocket. I held the pack open for him and he chose one of the sticks. "Thank you," he told me gratefully. He stuck the cigarette in his mouth and felt his pockets. Having had smoked for five years, I immediately knew what he was looking for. I pulled out my lighter and handed it to him. "Thanks," he said smiling again. I was tempted to make some sarcastic comment like 'Want me to smoke it for you, too?' but I held back. I wasn't one to talk to talk to people I didn't know. I hated talking to anyone new. I always felt like I'd say something wrong and they'd judge me for it. I also didn't like letting people in. I had a minimal amount of friends and wanted to stay single for a VERY long time.

He leaned back against the bus copying my position and handed me back my lighter. I was kind of hoping he would leave after borrowing my lighter, but he stayed. Being around him was making me uncomfortable.

"I'm Ricky, by the way," he told me after taking a drag of his cigarette. He gave me another warm and welcoming smile as if waiting for me to tell him me name.

"Midnight," I replied, introducing myself. He gave me an odd look like he didn't understand that it was a nickname. "It's a nickname," I clarified quickly my cheeks reddening. See what I mean? I'm terrible at talking to people.

He nodded. "I like it. Is there a story behind it?" he questioned. He obviously couldn't see how much I hated making conversation.

"I was born at exactly midnight on Halloween," I answered. My best friend, Jeremy, called me it when I told him about my birthday. "Not to mention I like the color black," I added, gesturing to my dyed black hair and my black clothes. I had on a tighter black tank top, ripped black skinny jeans, and black combat boots.

"That's cool," he replied, smiling. Did this guy ever stop smiling? It was almost contagious, too. I felt my lips return his smile. I felt myself relax even though I didn't know this guy, which scared me. I was never so relaxed around people I just met. "What's your real name?" he questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Gabriella," I answered. I really hated my real name. It just sounded so girly and I was anything but girly. My family still insisted on calling me Gabby even though they know I hated it.

"Yeah, Midnight definitely suits you more than Gabriella," he told me with a chuckle. I couldn't help but laugh back. He was kind of cute when he laugh. Wait, did I just say I thought he was cute? I couldn't think he was cute. I could not have feelings for someone. No matter if it was just a simple 'he's cute,' I knew nothing good would come out of it.

"I like your accent. Where are you from?" he questioned, pulling me away from my thoughts again. He adjusted his beanie before looking at me.

"I'm from Sydney, but I live in Philadelphia now. You?" I responded, taking another drag of my cigarette as I felt my cheeks go red from the compliment. My mum and my aunt keep saying I need to quit smoking, but I've never even tried to.

"I live Scranton, but I was born Seattle," he answered. I nodded in response. I played with the strap of my tank top nervously. I had never held a conversation for this long if it wasn't with Jeremy or another member of our band.

"What band are you from?" I questioned. Considering it was Warped Tour 'orientation' day, I figured he must be in a band. He could be a crew member or roadie, but he just looked like he was in a band for some reason. Maybe it was the makeup.

"Motionless In White. How 'bout you?" he answered before putting his cigarette out with the bottom of his boot. He didn't seem in any rush to leave, though. I couldn't help but think it was actually kind of nice that someone outside of the band who wanted to talk to me.

"Into The Dark. What instrument do you play?" I responded. I had heard of their band, but never heard any of their music. I usually would try to listen to new bands, but then get distracted by some other music.

"Guitar. What do you play?" he inquired. He turned his body so his shoulder was leaning against the bus and he was looking at me. He was staring into my light blue eyes with his own blueish ones and it made me feel a bit self conscience for some reason.

"Drums," I responded. I had been playing drums since I was ten and when I found Jeremy, we started a band. He's our vocalist. It took us a while, but we found two guitarist and a bassist and the rest was history.

I could tell he was about to say something, when the bus tour popped open and Jeremy stuck his head of curly black hair out. "Midnight, can you help with some merch stuff?" Jeremy questioned. Why he didn't just ask our merch guy was beyond me, but I accepted.

"I'll see you later," I told Ricky giving him a smile. He waved goodbye as I climbed onto the bus with my best friend.

"So, first day of tour and you've already got a boyfriend. You're a busy women," Jeremy said with a sly grin. I groaned innerly as I followed him to the back lounge.

"Ok, first, I just met him. Second, he's not my boyfriend. Third, I don't want a relationship. Fourth, you're a dick," I told him and shoved him playfully. Even after I got aggressive, he still had that glint in his blue eyes that told me he was going to tease me about this until I died or found another guy that wanted to talk to me. I think death would come first.

"He's obviously into you! Did you not see the way he was looking at you?!" Jeremy exclaimed. Jeremy tended to think of himself as an expert when it came to relationships just because him and his girlfriend, Jessie, and him had been together for four years. I really did like Jessie, but their relationship did not make him an expert

"Yeah, ok, Jeremy. I just met the guy, like fifteen minutes ago, but he's into me," I said, my voice laced with sarcasm. Jeremy was very overdramatic to say the least.

"Believe what you want, but I know what love looks like, my friend," he told me. I shook my head at him. How could someone 'love' someone that they had only had one conversation with? "Other than that, Midnight, I'm proud of you for actually talking to him. You never talk to people and I think this is a good change," he praised, patting me on the back. I looked up at my best friend with a smile. It was a good change, wasn't it?

I Need To Be Loved (Ricky Horror Fan Fic) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now