Yuu's P.O.V.

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Guren looked mildly annoyed by the way I had barged into his office, but he didn't have a chance to scold me. The moment I had gotten his attention (which was before I had even stormed his office, since my feet could be heard thudding on the floor from a mile away) I burst in to a bitter tirade.

"Guren, you have to come with me, Mika's in trouble, and I lied to you about his past, but I'm very sorry, and you have to help him Because if you don't, the vampire down there is gonna kill him...." I panted for air.

My mentor's eyes narrowed. "A vampire, you say?" He looked skeptical and thoughtful.

"Yeah, but COME ON!" I pulled out the door and dragged him to Mika.

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