1. In The Beginning

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She was happy.

Jin Mi.

The girl he had locked up against her will, with the hopes of keeping her from falling in love with his brother- Xu Feng- had received her happy ever after.

Initially, Run Yu was excited.

He was grateful that Jin Mi wasn't gone forever and that his brother could be with the love of his life.


Well. She wasn't his anymore. She was his brother's.

Every second alone was spent reflecting on all his mistakes but it isn't like Jin Mi ever gave him a chance to win her love.

Words swarmed the dragon's mind.

If only he had-

What if he had-

What if-

Why did I even do that-

Maybe I-

Well, it didn't matter now.

Jin Mi was never meant to be his.

She never loved him.

In the end- at most- she had considered him a dear friend.

Brotherly even.

A kind wonderful soul that had quickly soured when the love of his life was snatched away by his arrogant and spoiled little brother.

But even now, could Run Yu even speak poorly about anyone else?

Everything he had done, he had done with a desperate heart.

Jin Mi was supposed to be his, but life was unnecessarily cruel.

These days he intentional avoided her for the sake of his sanity.

As much as he adored his nephew, Tang Yue, knowing that he was the creation of Xu Feng and Jin Mi broke his already shattered heart further.

To protect the boy from himself, he soon stopped visiting.

By avoiding his 'family', he grew comfortable with the idea of being alone.

He avoided Kuang Lu.

He avoided the Beast of Dreams.

He avoided the world until all that was left was him and the empty throne room. 

Whispers of sunlight peeked through cracks under shut doors and windows, the coldness of the room settling in on the pale man, sitting quietly on the ivory throne.

He hated it.

The coldness.

However, no one could tell him that he didn't deserve it. 

"How undeserving can a man be of love?" he whispered out into the empty room. "Not a soul can look past my crimes and not a soul can move the crumbs left of my heart."

Tears streamed down his face as he carefully stood up. "Heaven is empty because I'm on the throne. I suppose I'm destined to die alone."

With a soft sigh, the emperor headed towards the large doors at the entrance.

He carefully opened them and peeked out.

No one was around except for the Beast of Dreams whom was currently sleeping in front of the doors, basking in the sunlight.

Run Yu exhaled softly and stepped out.

Just as the doors closed behind him, two shimmering orbs of light zoomed down from the sky, quickly revealing the approaching immortals.

To Love The Unloved EmperorWhere stories live. Discover now