Chapter Seven

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"I'm getting too ahead of myself, there is no possible way that this will work." I said to Liv after I explained my whole mirror thought process thing.

"I don't know, anything can happen."

"You keep saying that."

"I know, because I mean it." She said in a fluttery tone. "I mean- I escaped from the Neutral Kingdom, only 8 unicorns have done that, ever." She grinned proudly.

"Go you." I grumbled. "I'm going to die a whole lot sooner than I expected because of this human."

"Don't say that!" Liv said irritably. "Humans hook up with creatures all the time! Of course, most if the time the creatures are discised as humans.. But that's besides the point. You're not an ugly creature, Bionca."

I stuck my tongue out to lick my eye and Liv jumped. "Exactly, I think the human would've responded worse than that."

"I just didn't expect it."

"You think the human would have?"

"Bionca- stop being so negative. Do you know where you saw him? Like could you go back there?" Liv questioned.

"Yeah.. Why?"

"Well.. Like maybe follow him a little for a few days. Watch him from afar." She said as normal as if she was talking about the weather.

"So like stalk him? What if he sees me?"

Liv laughed.

"I'm serious." I said in a stern voice.

"I know you are, that's why I'm laughing so much." She said in between breaths.

I rolled my eyes. "Were you just joking around or was that actual advise?"

"No- I was dead serious. You might scare him if you try to approach him, so you should definitely just watch him from afar." Still shocked by her 'stalking' thought, I sighed. "I know, I know, it sounds creepy." She said, seeming aware of my thought process. "But maybe discover a way to talk to him or something." She shook her head. "I don't know, I guess just do whatever."

"Thanks for the advice Liv, I might try it." I said in the most sincere voice I could muster up. I stiffened suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Liv asked.

"My super hearing picked up footsteps outside the tree house. A customer.. Sorry but I have to go." I said as I sped up the stairs. When I got to the top, I tapped on the carving and leaped out of the hole that was left when the cabinet disapeared. I stood in the spot behind the counter, waiting for it to come back. When it finally did, I smoothed my dress down and told Tyresh to lower the ladder.


As I was cleaning and putting away all the equipment I had used that day, all that was running through my mind was what Liv had suggested I do. I know, it's a creepy crazy thought, but I mean.. I could learn more about him that way without scaring him. I spit on the torch at the doorway, causing it to go out. I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

I then realized I need to change into my hunting clothes if I'm going out. I jump to an extreme height and spread my wings to fly. I flew hurriedly to the third story window of my home castle, climbing into the window almost too quietly. I tip toed around the room to my dresser and pulled the door open to reveal all my dresses and skirts. I reach at the very back of the dresser and there it is.

I've had this dress since as long as I could remember. Its a faded off shade of white, blood and dirt stained. It's light and airy and ripped in strips at the bottom (not on purpose,) and the strips all come down to my knees. The top has a bunch of knotted off white fabric tied together in a desperate attempted to form one sleeve around my left arm, and connecting that, one thick piece around my right arm.

After changing, I leaped out the window and did a barrel role into my flying stance and headed hurriedly to my hunting spot, passing over the ocean as I go.

The air was especially hot that night, and I was quite tempted to take a swim. Making sure there were no mermaids in sight, I lowered myself and stuck my hand in the water. It felt so nice, I decided I would take a swim. So I flew very high and dropped my wings, causing me to fall feet first into the ocean. Like normal, as soon as I submerged myself, my gills appeared and I took a deep breath.

My eyes adjusted to the watery environment and I stared at my hands as they grew webbing in between my fingers. I glanced past them and did a double take. Less than 20 feet away lay two huge king crabs bickering about something.

I don't usually eat animals, but when I do, they are ocean animals. It's a rare delicacy because of the mermaids. Quietly, I swam towards them. And when they didn't seem to notice me, I went in and snatched the bigger one up, taking both by surprise. Grabbing it's pinchers with both hands so it couldn't pinch me, I bit down on its stomach, hard.

My animal instincts took over as I tore my jaw away and the flesh of its stomach along with it. Barely chewing, I swallowed my bite and went in for more, ripping one of its arms off as I did so.

Man, I felt so hungry.

All I could think about was blood and meat as I scarfed down the crab, shell and all. When there was nothing left of the crab, my hungry animal eyes searched for the other, which already managed to flee about 20 meters or so to my left. He was heading for a large cave, but his speed was no match for mine. I swam toward him slowly, my predatory instinct telling me that I don't have to waste my energy.

He disappeared into the darkness of the cave and I followed, eyes adjusting to the darkness, my body adjusting to the pressure of the water. I sniffed the water, expecting to get a whiff of the crab, but it was masked by something. I knew the smell, but I couldn't lay my finger on it. All I knew from the smell was that it wasn't a good one. My inner animal backed down and it was just me again, and I realized what the smell was almost immediately. Abandoning the crab, I rushed to get out of the cave but something was blocking the doorway.

Oh uh.

I gulped. Right in front of me was a mermaid. She licked the water, trying to sniff me like snakes do. She grinned a scary, evil grin, the look on her face resembling a cat going in to kill a rat. I gathered up all my energy, ready to defend myself. She made her way toward me, chin starting to spilt apart to reveal her octopus mouth and rows of shiny teeth, venom glistening on them. She lunged toward me and before I knew what I was doing, I shrieked in the highest pitch I think is possible.

I'm not entirely positive what happened next, and I'm not exactly sure how to explain it. Let's just say, the water around her got strange and next thing I knew, she was screeching, calling for help, and trying to claw out her eyes. I quickly swam past her before her friends showed up and headed toward the surface. With a final burst of energy, I leapt out of the ocean and I spread my wings and caught the air. My gills quickly disappeared and I swallowed a gulp of air. I fled toward my normal hunting spot as fast as my wings allowed me to, giving Liv's advice a second thought.

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