Chapter Thirteen

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"You can really walk on water?" Apollo asked me, eyes wide with shock.

"Yep... I can control it too." I replied. Apollo and I had been talking for quite a while, and in that time he had moved from his bed to floor and was now sitting in front of me an arms length away.

"Wow. That's really cool." He smiled at me.

"Thanks," I said awkwardly, "No one back home gets impressed by anything I can do."


"Because that kind of stuff is really common where I am from."

"Oh... well us humans are really boring."

I laughed. "Not boring, just...different."

He snorted. "If you say so." He looked me in the eye and smiled. I smiled back.


In a panic I jumped and, again, the chain pulled me back and burned me.

"Oh- I'm so sorry... Here..." Apollo used a key to unhook the cuff.

"Thank you," I started, "What was that noise?"

"That was just my alarm letting me know that it's 5:30. I normally go for a run but-"

"You mean we talked all night long? Oh no..." I stood up and accidently fell into Apollos arms. "I'm so sorry.. my legs must have fell asleep.."

"No worries, glad I could catch you," He grinned, "What's the hurry?"

"My sister is probably worried sick... I have a few things I need to do.."

"I get it." He opened the door for me and I stepped outside into another building. I gasped.

"Wait," He said as he grabbed my hand. "Will you visit me again tonight? I mean, you know where to find me.."

I blinked. He grabbed my hand. He wants me to come see him again tonight.

"Yeah, if you want...erm.... how do I get out of here?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Go down the hallway to your left, go up the first set of stairs, and go out the first door you see."

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"See you later." He flashed a smile.

"Yeah... see you." I said awkwardly. As soon as he shut the door, I let out a deep breath and started walking down the hallway.


Flying home, my stomach was growling nonstop. I needed blood, and I needed it soon.

I crawled through the first window I could find and I found my way to the kitchen where I fumbled through the fridge and grabbed a bottle labeled 'A+'. I opened it up and began to chug it, immediately feeling better.

"Bionca!" I heard a voice cry before I became trapped in a hug.

"Bionca! You scared us!" Bella cried as she hugged me tighter.

"Sorry." I mumbled, deciding whether or not to still be mad at her.

"Where were you?" Chandler asked, suddenly appearing from the hallway.

"I took a very, very long fly." I said, hoping that they would buy it.

"Whatever, Bionca, just don't do it again. EVER. We were worried sick... Finish drinking and then go to bed, okay?" Bella said, finishing the hug.

"Okay." I said as I took the last few sips.

"I love you." Bella said.

"I love you as well, baby sister." Chandler echoed.

"Love you guys too." I replied before heading upstairs to my room.


"BIONCA!" I heard Bella scream from the other side of my door. Startled, I fell off the ceiling onto my floor. With a groan, I looked around and realized I must have fell asleep.


"COMING!" I yelled while I jogged toward the door. I said the spell and tapped the center. "Bella why are you yelling?"

"You have a date with Christos son today and I forgot up until a few minutes ago-"

"Bella, slow down. When's this date?"

"In 5 minutes he's coming to the castle to take a walk in the garden with you."

I yawned.

"Bionca did you fall asleep?"


She looked me up and down, aware that I don't really need sleep and that I usually force myself to sleep at night.

"Well I need to get ready, can you help me?"

"Yeah, of course." Bella said bluntly as we traveled to my closet. She opened it up and flipped through it with me looking over her shoulder. She pulled out a dress that was navy blue with a light floral design that had a v-cut and short sleeves. It was tight at the top until about my belly button where it was flowy down to my knees. "Put this on then I'll braid your hair." She turned around to give me some privacy.

"Okay, I'm ready." I said after I got dressed. She got behind me and french braided my hair down my back swiftly and neatly.

"Okay, let's head downstairs." She said as she led the way out of my room. I shut my door and we made our way to the kitchen where Chandler was sitting at the table. Bella disappeared into the other room.

"Bionca," Chandler said in a low voice, "I know this is not what you wanted-"

"This is the farthest thing from what I wanted, Chandler." I snapped, then immediately felt bad. "I'm sorry Chan.."

"Its fine, I understand." He looked around the room quickly. "Anyways, I know this sucks, but just try and make the best of it. Your attitude can make a big difference."

"Thanks." I smiked weakly. I jumped when I heard the doorbell ring. Bella rushed to the door.

"Hello, Christo." I heard her say as she looked at me and jerked her head towards the direction of the door and stepped outside. I sighed quietly and followed her outside. I smiled at Christo.

"Hi Christo."

"Hello Bionca. My son is waiting outback already." His blue eyes narrowed at Bella.

"Oh, uh.. Would you like to join me and Chandler for some tea while they go for a walk?" Bella nudged me.

"I'm walking." I grumbled. As I was heading around back towards the garden, I remembered what Chandler told me. I will try that. After all, if I'm going to spend the rest of my life with this elf, I should try and enjoy it. I rounded the corner, bracing myself for whatever lies ahead. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him. My mouth moved up and down, but no words came out. All I could think about was how Chandlers advise definitely wasn't gonna work with this one, for I have met this elf before, and decided quickly that I didn't like him and never wanted to see him again.

This was the elf that I encountered at the hot springs.

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