Chapter Seventeen

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"I'm afraid I don't understand, can you explain once more? I'm sorry Bella, I'm just trying to wrap my head around this." Chandler rubbed his temples.

"Bionca isn't being herself lately. She's been leaving during the night, but not hunting. She's been distant.. And another thing, when I went looking in the Tree House for her, I found her talking in her sleep. She kept repeating 'Apollo' over and over again." I breathed out heavily.

"Well, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking she found someone. That would explain the sneeking around and the distancing. The only problem is, there's no one on the entire island named Apollo. I checked every record book."

"You know what I think?"


"I think she's just going through a phase. I think this is just her way of dealing with the marriage." He embraced me.

"I'm just so worried about her, Chandler." I sniffed.

"I know Bella, I know. The most you can do right now is just be there when she needs you. She'll come around."

"That's what everyone tells me. But I don't think its gonna happen. She's growing up, and I think she just wants to be on her own-"

"No. She will always need you. You're her sister, her best friend, and the most important person in her life, just as she is to you. Bella, just be there for her, and she will come to you."

I smiled and buried my head in his chest. And for the first time in a while, I felt that everything was going to turn out just fine.

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