Chapter Twelve

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"Bella, my dear, calm down. She's 90 years old, and, based on the mermaid, I'm sure is more than capible of defending herself." Chandler set a hand down on my shoulder. I tore away from him angrily.

"Chandler, she's never just disappeared like this. She's always at the Tree House, in her room, or walking around in the garden. She just went hunting the other day, so she wouldn't be in the human world... Chandler, THERE ARE BIGGER THINGS OUT THERE THAN HER!" I screamed at him, then immediately felt bad. All he was trying to do was comfort me and calm me down, and here I am yelling at him.

He didn't do anything. He never yells at me.

Bionca didn't do anything either. She should be allowed to defend herself.

I dragged my hands down my face as I began to tear up. No matter what I do, I always hurt someone.

I started to cry as Chandler embraced me. "It will be okay, my love. I promise. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but she will forgive you. You guys have a bond like no other." He said as he soothingly stroked my hair.

"I. Will. Not. Sleep. Until. She. Is. Found." I said in between sobs.

"That's fine. We will find her. She's probably off somewhere working off some steam." He said reassuringly.

Suddenly, a loud bell was rung, indicating someone was at the door.

"I'll get it." I said as I wiped away my tears and took a few deep breaths. I took two steps toward the door before Chandler stopped me.

"No, I'll go tell whoever it is to go away. You don't need anymore trouble." He kissed my forehead then proceeded to head towards the door, with me following closely behind. I stopped at the kitchen exit to let Chandler take over.

He opened the door. "Bella isn't seeing anyone right now, thank you." He said sternly.

"Sir, I was sent here to-"

"I don't care. Go away." Chandler growled.

"Please, this is urgent. Queen Onnicah-"

"I said I don't care. Have a good night." Chandler said as he began to shut the door.

"Wait-" I interrupted, running to Chandlers side. "What about Onnicah?" I looked down at the little dwarf, figuring he was one of Onnicahs messengers.

"She sent me to get you and bring you to the castle. She said it was urgent and that she needed to talk to you right away." The dwarf shifted uncomfortably under my gaze.

"Okay." I said, nodding at Chandler. "I'll be back later tonight." I told him before I stepped outside.


"I'm so glad you could come on such short notice." Onnicah said as she nervously combed through her long, thick dark brown hair. (One of her many nervous childhood ticks she has yet to outgrow.)

"Of course. Anything for my dearest friend." I replied.

"I just.. I saw how Bionca took off earlier and I wanted to see how you were holding up. I know you guys normally don't fight, and, well, I know it can be hard..." She trailed off as my eyes began to water up. "Awe... Bella..." She came over to me and wrapped her arms around me as I burst into tears.

"There there..." She pat my middle back. (She's a 5' tall fairy, and I'm a 8' tall troll.)

"You don't. Understand she's. Gone." I sobbed.

"I know it seems like that, but she will forgive you."

"No. Like she's. Missing." I started to cry even harder.

"Oh.. Oh Bella.. She'll turn up.. Your guyses bond is unbreakable." She said reassuringly.

I pulled away and wiped my eyes. "I hope you're right."

She smiled at me. "Remember when we were 67? How much trouble we would get into?"

"Yeah." I laughed. "But that was before my parents.. And before I adopted Bionca.." I gazed off into the distance, recalling events from my childhood.

"Hey," Onnicah said, bringing me back to reality. "All those things made you who you are. This event will just make you and Bioncas relationship stronger."

"I hope you're right.." I smiled weakly. "I really do hope you're right."

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