Chapter Twenty

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I glanced at Apollos alarm clock, which read 4:27. As I slipped my dress on silently, I gazed love-struck at Apollo, who was sound asleep on the bed. I quietly planted a kiss on his forehead before tiptoeing out of his house.

The events of last night made everything so clear: I needed to make the human potion permanent and drink it. That way, I could run away and be happy with Apollo. I love Bella, but I will die if I'm kept away from Apollo, and it can't be like this forever. In all honesty, I had this strange sense of peace. I just felt that everything would work out just fine, with Apollo, the kingdom, and Azazel.


The name made my throat form a lump. I really don't want to marry him...

I shoved the thought aside as I look flight. Today was the first time I didn't take time to enjoy the scenery; for I was on a mission. I wasted no time getting to the Tree House. I flew straight through the doorway and scrambled to get the ingredients out. When I had everything pulled out, a thought struck me. I gotta tell Liv. I have to let at least let one person know.

I did the procedure to go downstairs. "Liv I gotta tell you someth-" I gasped as I came face to face with a tied up Liv.

"Mmmhmm mhmmm!" A rag was muffling her cry. I came over and knelt beside her.

"Don't worry Liv, I'm gonna get you out." I reassured her.

"Mhmm!" She managed to tell me before my arms were snatched and pulled behind me.

"Ow! Wha-" I heard a click from behind me as a chin rested on my shoulder.

"Hey, wifey." An oh-so familiar voice teased.

"Azazel- what...?" I struggled to move my hands but they were in chains, and the more I moved, the more it burned. "Is this..? How did you get in here?"

"Iron, yes. And that's for me to know and you to never find out." He smacked my butt and then came around to face me.

I ignored his act of playfulness. "How did you know."

"Let's just say I have some resources." He smiled his cruel smile.

All of a sudden everything made sense. "Wait.. you... you sent the mermaids..." I backed up against the wall, scared of what this elf could be capable of.

"Yes indeed I did. I know that habits of a cheater, hell-o! I'm the biggest player on this island." He laughed an insane, evil laugh. "There were more there than the one you killed, and they reported back to me and informed me of what you did." He pulled a knife out of his pants and twirled it around dangerously, "So not only have you killed another mermaid, cheated on me with a human, but you also have kidnapped a unicorn." He walked over to her and held the knife against her throat. Her eyes were wide with fear. "And you're about to kill her." He stepped away from her and walked slowly towards me. "But first," he was so close our noses were nearly touching, "I would be a fool not to take advantage of you in this... helpless state." He smirked as he went in for a kiss. At this moment in time, I learned a harsh lesson: not all kissing is enjoyable. I cringed as his hand traveled up my thigh and as he shoved me hard into the wall. All of a sudden, he stopped abruptly and began to choke. He was gasping for air as he keeled over and lie there, twitching on the ground. I screamed as I saw that I was holding Azazels heart in one of my "extra set" of hands.

"Mhhmmmmm!" My scream was met with a muffled scream from Liv. I dropped the heart and rushed over to help Liv, still horrified with my actions. I grabbed the rag from her mouth with my non-bloody hand and I proceeded to untie her.

"Bionca... Like... what happened?" She blinked at me.

"I could be asking you the same question," I started as I undid the last knot, "But honestly... I was frozen in fear.. it just.. happened.."

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