Chapter 7: Justin

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After school I went to the parking lot to find Taylor waiting for me in her car. I climbed in the passenger seat.

"Hi my little freshman!!" Taylor said.

"Don't start." I said.

"Ooooooo somebody's in a bad mood. "

"Nope, I just want to get to the hotel so I can fall asleep."

"Too bad. You can't go to sleep. Justin's coming over!"

"Uuggghhhhh" I groaned.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I really don't want him to come over! It's kinda weird. The last time he texted me was in Wednesday and that was only to ask what hotel I'm staying at. I finally got into my hotel room and put on sweatpants.

"Hey! No sweatpants! You have to look nice for Justin!" Taylor said.

"No thanks!" I replied.
Why should I have to look nice? It's not like we're going on a date or anything.

"Fine. Ruin your chances with a boy. "

"I'm not ruining them!"

"Okkk you can think whatever you want. "
I was about to give up and go change but I heard a nick in the door. Oh no! He's here!

"Tell him I'm not here!" I told Taylor.
Instead of listening to me, she opened the door. Noooo!!!! My life is ruined!

"She's in the bedroom" I heard Taylor tell justin.
Crap!! I ran and sat on the bed trying to act casual while playing on my phone... Or at least pretending to.

"Hi, uh, Britt" he said.

"Um hi. ". I replied.
Why is this so awkward?????

"I'll be right back. " I said as I ran to Taylor.

"Taylor!! It's so awkward! What do I do!?" I asked quietly so Justin won't hear.

"Watch a movie. Or I dunno. "

That's her response! Watch a movie!!! Ugh! Why am I doing this??!! I ran back to the room.

"Uh, you can sit down. " I said.  "Do you wanna watch a movie?"

"Uh, yeah sure I guess."
I went through Taylor's bag until I found some movies. They are mostly just Disney movies. I finally found one that's not a Disney movie. Don't get me wrong, I love Disney movies but I don't think Justin would like them. I pulled out Grown Ups.

"This?" I asked.

"I love that movie!" Justin said.

"Same here. "
We talked through all the previews.

"So how old are you?" He asked me.

"I'm 14. How about you?"

"I'm 15. Well, I just turned 15. I'm going to be a sophomore this year. "

"Oh cool! I'm going to be a freshman!"
This is going pretty well I guess... We are close in age. But I have to tell him about New York.

"Um, I need to tell you that, well, after the 25, I'm moving to New York. "

"Oh, um, can't we do a long distance relationship?" He asked.

"I didn't know we're in a relationship" I said smiling.
Then I see blonde hair coming from behind the door frame. Taylor.

"Taylor, I know you're listening!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry. I'll go now. " Taylor responded.
I doubt she'll actually go away.

"I guess I never actually asked you. But will you be my girlfriend?"
I smiled

"Um, sure. " I replied.

I hit play on the TV and the movie started playing. "I can't believe it" I thought. And then Taylor comes in and ruins everything.

"Hey guys! " she says as she sits between me and Justin's on the bed. I didn't respond. Neither did Justin. We just watched the movie.

By the time the movie finished it was 8:00.
"Ok, justin it's time for you to leave. " Taylor said.

Me and Justin walked to the door and he hugged me! He actually hugged me!! Then he left.

"So, what happened?" Taylor asked.

"Don't play stupid! You already know!" I replied smiling.

"Well then, you have to tell Adam"

I called Adam.

"Hey, Britt! What's up?"

"I got a boyfriend!" I said quickly then hung up.

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