Chapter 15: family

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I got back from the hospital yesterday. I guess while I was at the hospital Taylor decided to decorat my room. It's so pretty! All I did yesterday was rest and watch movies and text my friends and boyfriend. Right now it's 10:30 am. Today I'm going to meet my new grandma and grandpa and uncle Austin. I'm kinda nervous!

"Hey, Britt, you should get up, the fam is going to be here by 1:00 and I want you to look awake. " mom told me.

"Ok fine. " I replied.
I got up and out of my bed. I have a pretty white bedspread with lace around it. I went to my bathroom and started getting undressed. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and hopped into the shower.
Once I was don't I rapped a towel around me and tried to find some cute clothes to wear. I found the black dress mom bought me. It's black and it goes right above my knees with crossed straps on the back. I put on some black flats as well. Then I walked over to the vanity that mom also bought me. I straightened my hair then did a French twist on the left side of my part then a loose twist on the left side of the part. I put on some perfume and found my grandmas birthstone necklace. It's a cross with blue tiny stones since she was born in September. I put it on. Maybe it will give me good luck. And i also put on some diamond earrings.

"Britt!! It's 12:30! Are you ready yet?" Mom asked.

"Um, yes!" I replied
I ran downstairs being careful not to trip over Meredith on the bottom step. I saw mom baking something. Probably cookies.

"You look beautiful!" Mom said.
I smiled and went to sit on the couch by Olivia and I pulled out my phone. I checked Instagram. Woah! I already have 13,00 followers! I posted a picture I took this morning of me in the mirror after I got dressed. I put a caption saying "can't wait to meet the rest of my new fam today!!" And posted it. Then I checked my texts. I got some from Justin.

"Hey babe! Hope your feeling ok!" He said.

"Yup! Doing amazing!" I replied.

"And your dress looks so pretty on you! Have fun with the new fam!"
So I guess Justin saw my Instagram post.

"Awe! Thanks! But I gotta go. I think they're here. " I told Justin as I heard a knock on the door.

"Don't be nervous! They will love you!" Mom said.
I smiled. Mom opens the door and Andrea, Scott, and Austin came in.

"Hi! You must be Britt! You are so beautiful! You can call me grandma and Scott grandpa! And that's Austin!" Grandma told me.

"Um, ok" I said.

"Guys! Don't scare the poor girl! She just got out of the hospital yesterday!" Mom said.

"Yes! Of corse. " grandpa said.

"So, you're my new niece" Austin said.
I shook my head yes.
"Well, nice to meet you little niece. "

"Austin! She has a name you know!" Mom said.

"Ok fine. Nice to meet you little Britt. " Austin said.

"You realize I'm 14. So I'm not that little" I said.

"Well, you're still younger than me! So that makes you little!"
I didn't reply. It's true. I am younger than Austin. But does he really have to call me little Britt? It's weird. I sat down on the couch next to Meredith and pulled out my phone to text Justin again.

"Hey, my new fam is amazing!!" I said.
I hit send.

"That's amazing! I can't wait to see you again! When you coming to visit?? I know it's still early In our relationship, but I love you, Britt. I totally understand if you don't feel the same way. " Justin said.
Oh my gosh! Justin said he loves me!! Should I say it back??

"Hey there niece. So who's Justin?" Austin asked.
He was reading over my shoulder! Great.

"My boyfriend. " I said.

"Where does your boyfriend live?"

Then Austin just walked away. But what do I say to Justin? Do I say I love you too? Or should I not? Uhhhh.

"Mom? Come here please. " I said.

"What's wrong?" Mom asked.

"Justin said he loves me! What do I do?"

"Say it back!"

I replied. "I don't know when I'm coming to visit!! I hope it's soon! I miss you like crazy! And I love you too. " I sent it.
By 7:30 grandma, grandpa, and Austin left. Me and Austin has a lot of fun. We played lots of video games on a wii. It was really fun. Even though right now it's only 8:00 I'm really tired. Today was a pretty good day. I just really want to go back to Indiana to visit soon.

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